The Taste: VII

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          Ping, ping, ping.

          Ping, ping, ping.

          Still half asleep, Taehyung only acknowledged the sound with a groan before his eyes shut completely.

          Ping, ping, ping.

          Gaining more consciousness, Taehyung sat up quickly with a hushed giggle, and shot across his room to the window, now elated to realize what the sound was. He pushed the glass all the way up and bit his lip as he leaned out, glad to be near Namjoon once again.

          The older just smiled and lifted his hand to place it on Taehyung's cheek and stroke it gently with his thumb. "You might look even prettier at nighttime."

          After eating the boy's birthday cake earlier on in the evening, they'd never spoken about a late visit, but it might have been expected, considering they were finding it difficult to keep their hands off of one another as it was. Even so, they'd said their prolonged goodbyes and separated to stay with their own families for the time being.

          Once they'd taken the time to stare into each other's eyes, Taehyung let Namjoon enter his bedroom just so that their bodies were able to connect and their lips could meet. It was all a flurry of fingers gliding through hair, tongues passing over one another and hands roaming desperately, especially when Namjoon had Taehyung lean his head back just enough to let him begin a trail of sloppy kisses down his neck and the younger let out a moan.

          That was more than enough to make Namjoon grow confident and suck on the soft skin to mark what he knew belonged to him after endless years of patience and stressed personal strength.

          "More," Taehyung whined, unapologetically.

          "Then lift your arms." Namjoon mumbled, still attempting to work himself into the younger's skin, even after Taehyung obliged and raised his arms above his head. Finally, Namjoon broke away and swiftly pulled Taehyung's sleep shirt off, just to toss it to the floor where he felt it belonged while the smaller of the two undid the button and zipper on Namjoon's pants. But he never got the chance to push them down because he was lifted off of his feet, and up into Namjoon's arms as if he weighed next to nothing.

          "Did you know that I've been imagining this for a while?" Taehyung whispered, lightly brushing his nose against Namjoon's.

          "I had my suspicions."

          They both laughed at their side conversation, and Taehyung tightened his legs around Namjoon's waist, just for the older to slowly crawl onto the bed and place him on his back.

          "You're the only one I ever want to be with like this, Tae Tae."

          "I thought I told you to stop calling me that a long time ago."

          "Well why not bring it back? It seems to me that you're a baby again. Only difference is, you're my baby and that's so much better than just a regular one." Namjoon then worked his hand under the waistband of Taehyung's sweatpants and ran his hand down the younger's thigh with a strong grip while he showed off his dimpled smile to the boy under him, who then began pulling on the bottom of Namjoon's shirt, clearly wanting to be rid of it. 

          Taehyung had just tossed it off the side of the bed when three loud knocks came from the other side of the bedroom wall.

          "I don't want to have to hear you, either!" Jeongguk yelled as loud as he could, making sure both of the males in Taehyung's room were able to hear him clearly.

          Namjoon couldn't find it in himself to hold back his laughter, and dropped his head so that his face was right up against Taehyung's. "I'm sorry, baby." he whispered. "But we can go to the apartment any time."

          The smaller boy nodded, fully understanding that now just wasn't the time for both of them to lose themselves. It was better to be completely alone so that they could do whatever they wanted without having a loving older brother to scold them every time they got even the slightest bit intimate.

          After gazing into Taehyung's eyes for a few moments, Namjoon laid down right up against his love's side and smiled brightly when the boy turned over to wrap himself around the taller's body. "Good night, Namjoonie..."

          "Good night, Tae Tae...Sweet dreams..."

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