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"ayo" ajak Juna sambil menggandeng tangan Aurel,Aurel yg digandeng terbengong dan melihat kearah tangannya

Adam yang melihatnya tersenyum jahil dan menggerlingkan mata nya sambil mulutnya berkata "Ciee uhuyyy sama kang es nih" ucap Adam jahil

"Siehh adek gue uhuyy baru aja masuk udah ada gebetan ajee" ucap Alvin ikutan

"Weh kembaran gue hebat" ucap satria

Aurel yang mendengar pun mendengar pun melototkan matanya dan berkata"mati KALEAN semua dirumah" ucap Aurel

Adam,Alvin,Satria tertawa ngakak

"Kita bagi bagian lagu kan?" tanya Aurel

"Iya,yaudah ayo" ucap Juna sambil menarik tgn Aurel


"Kami akan menyanyikan lagu imagination-shawn" ucap Aurel dan Juna bersamaan


-Bagian Aurel

Oh,there she goes again
Every morning it's the same
you walk on by my house
I wanna call out your name
-Bagian Juna
I want to tell you how beautiful you are from where i'm standing you got me thinking what we could because

-Bagian Aurel

I keep craving you don't know it but it's true can't get my month know to say the worlds they want to say to you this is typical of love
Can't wait anymore,i wan't wait i need to tell you how i feel when i see us together forever

-Bagian Juna

In my dreams your with me well be everything i want us to be an from there who knows maybe this Will be the night that we kiss for the first time or is that just me and my imagination ✨

-Bagian Aurel

We walk,we laugh,we spend our time, walking by the ocean side my hands are jellied,intertwined or feeling i just alone, thinking we could not belong to something so damn beautiful
So damn beautiful

Imagination imagination
(Woah woah woah)
Semua murid😍

-Aurel and Juna

I keep craving, craving you don't know it but it's true can't get my month to say the worlds they want to say to you this is typical of love can't wait anymore i wan't wait i need to tell you how i feel when i see us together forever

In my dreams you're with me well be everything i want us to be an from there who knows maybe this Will be the night that we kiss for the first time or is that just me and my imagination

"Woah kerenn"

"Couple goals ih"


"Aaaaa kak junaaaa"

"Lucu ih mereka"

"Awas aja Lo Aurel berani ngerebut Juna dari gue,gue buat hancur keluarga Lo Aurel" ucap seseorang dibalik pohon,wah dia gatau siapa Aurel

"Lo cemburu?Lo suka sama Juna?" Tanya seorang perempuan berambut cokelat

"Siapa Lo?" Tanya seorang perempuan heran

ARJUNAUREL[On Going]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang