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Interjections 감탄사

👉an exclamation or filled pause in grammar
👉a word or phrase with no particular grammatical relation to a sentence, often an expression of emotion.

어쨌든 anyway
만약에 in case
예전에 in ancient times
언제나 always, forever
방금 전에 right before, just before
솔직히 honestly,
벌써 already
별로  (not) especially
당분간 in the meantime
비록 even though
나중에 later
좀 이따 after a while
가끔씩 once in a while
월래 originally
갑자기 suddenly

심지어.. I even..
이니면 or, how about
그렇구나.. Isee..
그러면 in that case
그래도, but (also)
그나마 however
그런데 by the way / however,
근데 but, 그러나 but,
그럼 well,
그래서 therefore,
사실 truthfully,
예를 들면 for example,
왜냐하면 because,
보통 usually
이미  already
정도 about/around
쯤 about / around
그만큼  until
-에서  about
그다지 not really
그리기 말이예요 that's right

아참  Oh!
흠 hmm..
글쎄 umm..
에휴 oh man..

농남이지? are you kidding me?
장난해? are you kidding me?
진짜요? really?
정말요? really?
그래? oh yeah?
그렇군요 that's true..
맞아 that's right
그러죠 that's right

아무튼 anyways,
어쨌든 anyway

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