"This One's For You, I Love You" Part 6

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Mikaylas POV 

I was home alone just sitting on my computer when I heard a faint knock on the front foor. I got up to answer it and there was Rhiannon, tears straining her cheeks, Make-up running down her face, to be honest... She was a mess! We stood there in silence for a few seconds before she ran inside and embraced me in a big hug. I was about to ask her what happened but I stopped myself before I said anything, just in case I made it worse. Besides, we didnt need words, I knew that all I needed to do was comfort her. Eventually we made it over to the couch, I put on our favourite movie, White Chicks. I got rhiannon cleaned up and opened a tub of Ice-Cream, THIS is what she needed.

Rhiannons POV

I needed to be somewhere that felt exactly like home, I went to my best friend Miakyla's, and when I knocked on the door it immidiately opened, I didnt say a word, I could hardly even talk, all I wanted was to be comforted.

We ended up watching White Chicks, and I had stopped crying. The movie finished and I went to Mikayla's room to check my phone "20 Missed calls, 12 Voicemails, 30 New Messages; Jayden<3"

I called mikayla to the room as soon as I saw it. "What happened?" she asked me, I sat down with tears in my eyes, I looked at her... "He cheated" her face looked like it was hit with a baseball bat. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN" "Exactly that..." I blurted out into tears, "Her pants were off, he had no shirt on, and it was pretty self-explainary" I cried even harder, I thought my lungs would expload I was sobbing so hard. "I love him." I told her, she gave me a massive hug and told me everything would be okay.

I woke up, my phone had even more texts, missed calls and voice mails then last night! I turned off my phone and went to the kitchen and make pancakes with Mikayla, we talked for awhile, and after that while I went home, no body was there, my dad, step-mother, brothers and sister all went to work and school. I was home alone. I turned on my phone and surpisingly there was no messages or missed calls. I didnt dare let myself listen or read any of them, they were erased. About half an hour later my phone went off *BUZZ BUZZ Incoming Call: De Vizio* 


"Rhiannon! It's Julian."

"Hey Jules"

"What's happened with you and Jay?"

"Hasn't he told you?"

"No he's been lying on the couch with puffy eyes, hes not talking and we cant get him to move..."

"Oh umm... Well I guess you should kind of get it out of him..."

"Please, just help, we have rehersals soon."

"Put him on the phone."

I had no time to think... I dont know what I had just done! I was stuck! WHAT WAS I THINKING!?

"Hello..." I heard a creaked broken voice through the phone, I couldnt speak, I was speechelss "Hello?..." I wasnt thinking straight and just hung up. It wasnt just me who was broken... It was both of us.

A few weeks had passed, and I hadnt talked or seen Jayden in awhile, still not answering his calls or messages, I just wanted to be alone. He came around a few times but I didn't want to see him, my phone had settled down a little bit, and before I knew it, he had finally reached me again.

Jaydens POV

"I'm gonna make her mine tonight" I told Julian, "What do you mean, bro?" he asked "This performance tonight, on that stage, I'm going to sing like it's directly to her." Julian had the most confused look on his face, but I knew exactly what I had to do. It was 5:30 and everyone had started to get ready, I knew this HAD to be my best performance, one day im going to sing this song to Rhiannon, just us, in a room, with no one else.

I was broken on the inside, and all I wanted and wished for was her, all the things i wanted to say to her... I wanted to do our tickle wars, and jump on her, and squeeze her when she fell asleep, and kiss her. All over a misunderstanding and stupid Maddie stuffs everything up! I texted her before i got on stage and said a prayer, just praying that maybe tonight, I would get my girl back... "New Message Draft; Sent to; Rhiannon<3 : This one's for you, I love you."

Rhiannons POV (short)

I got home from work, my hair was tyed up in a pony tail and had a thick headband just on my hairline, I was in black, since that was my work uniform. It was Monday of course, and I hadnt watched the show in awhile, all I saw was everyones Tweets about the boys and all the other contestants, it was 7:30 and my family were watching Xfactor, and as my per-usual I went to my room cause I didn't want to see ANYTHING. Just before the boys had come on I got a message *BUZZ BUZZ 1 New Message; Jayden<3: "This one's for you, I love you."

I sprinted to the lounge, sat next to my step-sister. As watched the pre-view I heard Jayden say "This week with a ballad, the trick is to.. you know, deliver to that one person." tears filled my eyes, the performance started... Lego House.

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