5-- The Dying Moth & The Torch

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The streets were busy with the chitter-chatter of people, faces blossomed with smiles, hearty laughs erupted from around, and the faint tune of playing violin and guitar knitted stars in the beautiful skies of life. Humans she saw everywhere, some concealing their scents with cologne, some hiding their bruised vessels behind expensive clothes, and some secreting their true faces with fake smiles.

An ordinary human would see a beautiful lively sight with life blossoming with its wings spread over the horizon, but Venom looked at it differently. It was a war field for her where everyone slayed, and struggled for survival. Faces concealed with masks and fake smiles, the screeching evil of their souls covered with the blankets of fake innocence in their eyes. She saw every vessel possessed by a demon, every heart stoned to death and every breath stale with the smell of death. They sinned in the dark of night and charity in the light of the days. Two-faced realities and two-faced lies were their total truth. She saw it all!

To her, no one was innocent except children, yes children, she pitied them to be in this cruel world. Watching their naïve existences holding hands with someone they think as their protectors, oblivious to the fact that they are the ones leading them into the darkness. At times, he wished could shoot down those twisted beings, freeing the innocent souls, but what good would that do? There will be another to lead it back to evil and it will go on forever.

She always told her victims how lucky they were to meet her granting them death and freedom from the evil pits of sins, they were living in. A soft touch against her cheek pulled her out of her thoughts and back into reality. Her orbs shifted toward the source of warmth against her cheek finding a nearly four years old boy dressed packed in warm clothes followed by red small snickers, standing in front of her. Chubby cheeks tinted red from the cold, a cute button nose with plump lips, and big doe eyes. Pure innocence kissed the boy's face. Venom felt drawn to him immediately.

She placed her hand over his and brought it down from her cheek, clasping hers around his to provide warmth against the cold wind.

"Are you alone?" He questioned while moving closer to the girl crawling onto the bench and sitting beside her.

"Are you sad? You look so down and quiet" Venom remained quiet listening to the kid with her gaze getting warmer the more she stared at him.

"My name is Lee Jihyun, you can call me Jihyun, what is your name?" The boy asked smiling at the quiet stranger he met.

"Call me Oh Jiahn.... or Jiahn" she spoke earning another heartwarming smile from him.

"Jihyun and Jiahn, perfect" He gave off a soft giggle with the apple of his cheeks turning to a light shade of pink. Venom couldn't help but adore the warm soul beside hers cold one.

"Do you have any friends Jiahn?"

"Uh, not really"

"Will you be my friend then?" The small boy asked with flushed cheeks while he fidgeted with his fingers.

"You want to be friends with me?" Venom asked pointing a finger to herself, eyes wide in shock at the request of the pure soul, she was amazed as to why an angel wanted to be friends with a devil-like her, fuming, and screeching evil, that fed on others' fear to grow.

"Yes Jiahn, please be my friend" The boy reached forth to hold her hand while placing his innocent request.

"Sure, if you want to"

"Yay! I made a new friend. Let's be best friends Jiahn, I want to tell my classmates that I have a very nice and pretty best friend too, would you visit my school?" Jihyun squealed loudly in joy. He leaned forth throwing both arms around the girl's waist, offering a hug that left the girl stunned by the warm actions, A soft genuine smile crawled its way to her lips and she pulled the kid into her embrace.

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