19- Bull's eye & Bleeding Darts

488 43 55

Song Recommendation: "Control" by Halsey

Taehyung's POV

Where is he? Didn't receive my calls or answered any texts!

That's quite weird! He never does that. It's 6 in the evening. 49 hours since the last contact. I hope he is okay.

Breath escaping him in a frustrated huff, Taehyung's fingers furiously typed out another message to Jimin. His steps echoed against the walls of the seemingly deserted alleyway, but he couldn't recall how he had even arrived here. As he continued his aimless wandering, the quietness of the surroundings sent a chill down his spine.
Pink Mochi:

Jimin? Where are you? Can you tell me the address of your new apartment? I'll come to you instead.

Hey! I miss you, buddy

Three missed calls

Jimin? Ring me back when you see this.

I let out an exasperated sigh as I typed yet another message to Jimin, my eyes scanning the empty alleyway as I walked. I had lost track of how I had even ended up here, my mind consumed by the excitement of spending the day with Seokjin Hyung. It was a surreal experience, having him give me his undivided attention like he used to when we were younger. And now, he promised to stay in touch and meet up with me more often. I couldn't contain my happiness at the thought of finally having my brother back.

But amidst my euphoria, I couldn't help but wonder where Jimin was. I had even told him about Seokjin Hyung's visit and how we spent the whole day together. I had so much to share with him, but he was nowhere to be found. It was times like these when I missed his presence the most.

Taehyung let out a frustrated sigh and hastily locked his phone, stuffing it into his pocket. As he looked up, he caught sight of a figure standing in the corner, trying to hide from him. His brows furrowed in confusion as he tried to make sense of the situation, but ultimately shrugged it off and continued on his way. He stuffed his hands deep into his pockets, his thoughts consumed with the events of the day, as he walked deeper into the alleyway.

Taehyung sauntered lazily down the deserted alleyway, lost in his own thoughts until the sound of footsteps behind him jolted him out of his reverie. Frowning in confusion, he turned his head to find a figure cloaked in a black hoodie tailing him. A sudden feeling of unease crept over Taehyung, but he tried to shake it off and continued walking without looking back. However, the footsteps persisted, following him relentlessly.

With a growing sense of dread, Taehyung finally turned his head around to see that the figure was now dangerously close. In a bid to escape, he quickened his pace and took long strides, but it was a futile attempt as the figure matched his speed step for step. His entire focus was now fixed on the shadowy figure trailing him, and a sense of impending danger gripped him.

Without a moment's hesitation, Taehyung broke into a run, hoping to put some distance between himself and his pursuer. But the figure, seeing his prey escaping, broke into a run too, hot on his heels. Taehyung's heart pounded with fear as he glanced back to see the black-hooded figure closing in on him. With a gasp of horror, his legs wobbled beneath him, and he knew he had to keep running if he hoped to make it out alive.

"No, n-no please leave me alone, I have nothing of your use except this, here take this and leave me alone"

With a sudden, aggressive motion, he thrust his hands deep into his pockets, fumbling around until he extracted a cell phone, car keys, and a wallet. Without a moment's hesitation, he carelessly flung them behind him, the objects clattering onto the pavement and landing squarely on the feet of an unsuspecting bystander. The man's weight descended upon them with a resounding crunch, but he didn't bother to look back or apologize. Instead, his gaze was fixed intently on Taehyung, whom he pursued with relentless determination. Taehyung could feel the weight of the man's gaze upon him, sending shivers down his spine as his very soul seemed to depart from his body.

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