So Convenient, Mate || Kill The Cliché Entry

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Based on the Cliché: Werewolves must have mates. Except, it's not up to the moon goddess or any deity, it's not up to genetics nor fate, but to themselves. 


"I can't find one!" 

Robin Liu swears she might tear off her entire scalp of her dark raven locks if she continues to pull at them the way she's been doing for the past thirty minutes. She paces back and forth across her room while her brother Wren is lounging over her bed without a seeming care in the world, a bag of hot Cheetos plopped onto his stomach that he keeps snacking on with chopsticks even though Robin has told him thousands of times that getting his fingers dirty is what makes Cheetos so amazing.

"Can't blame anyone but yourself, really," Wren states with an amused expression, "you did have all your life to think about it." 

"Yeah well, easy for you. You just had to choose your girlfriend and voila! Barely anything to work on," Robin grumbles, deciding to flop down next to her brother.

Wren cocks his head to the side, gazing at her profile as he asks, "why don't you ask Callum?" 

"Cal?" Robin snorts, "I'm not that desperate. Besides, he's probably already planned to get together with the Alpha's only daughter." 

"She already has a boyfriend." 

"Did that ever stop Callum before?"

"No, but let's say he lacks charm when it comes to that department." 

Despite the seemingly dire situation, Robin can't help but let out a laugh, partly in embarrassment for Callum and partly because her brother always has the best things to say. That is probably the main reason why they get along so well.

Her laughter soon fizzes out into a sigh as her thoughts fly back to her mate choices. It's tradition for wolves that are coming of age at nineteen must officially declare their mate, the person they will be spending the rest of their lives with. It doesn't matter how good or bad the combination is, for once you declare it, you can't take it back. In a way, it's like marriage without a divorce, and it's not just about attraction and lust but more about how they can actually create a partnership out of this.

There had been legends before, about werewolves being bound together at the time of their birth to mates that they didn't even knew existed until they saw or heard them, and thinking of that makes Robin want to shudder. She can't imagine being bound to life with a stranger, as hot as he might turn out to be. 

"Seriously, Robin. Just ask Cal what his plan is. Maybe you guys can figure something out," Wren's words steer her thoughts back to reality and with another heavy sigh, the said girl nods in defeat.

It's no secret that since the Liu's and the Lee's have been family friends for such a long time, that her and Callum have spent absolutely every waking moment together from the moment they were born. Not that it meant anything because most often times than not, they'd be found fighting, rolling around on the grass in their wolf forms to try and prove who's the strongest of the two. Growing up has turned their fighting into more respectable verbal bickering, but still, he can get under Robin's skin so much easier than any other wolf. 

When she knocks onto Callum's door that night, she is not surprised to find him sleepy-eyed, rubbing his eyes like a little boy that just got woken up from sleep as his brown orbs blink down at her, unsurprised by her uncalled arrival.

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