Kiss Me Slowly || Taehyung (BTS)

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Short drabble inspired by the song 'Kiss Me Slowly' by Parachute. 


"I had a lot of fun tonight." 

My eyes flicker upwards to Taehyung's face. He's beautiful, ephemerally so and it always amazes me how I hadn't noticed until only recently. 

Quickly averting my eyes so that he won't catch me staring, my hands fist around my pouch and I tug at it in a bout of nervousness. The air still lingers with the aftertaste of sweetness from our date; which had been a simple casual dinner picnic by the Han River. We had watched the sunset go down, gazed up as the sky degraded form a pale baby blue to a vibrant scarlet that bathed everything in a golden light, as though I was watching the scene unfold like a romantic fairytale that I'd usually find in little children's books. 

I gazed at Taehyung's beautifully sharp side profile, traced his features with my eyes and skimmed over his long lashes casting shadows upon his skin that glowed with a pink tinted hue, his lips that were the colour of peach that seemed to have peaked in its maturity, his chiselled jaw and strong nose and his beautifully framed, dark brown orbs that sparkled with such depth it made me giddy every time our eyes met. 

And then when he'd turned to catch me staring, he'd only grinned boyishly when I jolted and quickly averted my eyes in growing humiliation at having been caught red-handed, cheeks ablaze with fire.

"Are you blushing?" he'd asked with a chuckle so deep it rumbled through his chest.

"No," I stuttered out, not wanting to divulge how magically effective his presence was on my sanity.

Our conversations had been more than comfortable, so comfortable that it was easy to forget, at times, that this was even a date. We talked out life, about our friends and about growing up. He recounted stories of his childhood with his grandmother, running through the fields as a young boy and planting rice because they had been too poor to afford anything else. And I listened, listened to his beautifully rich alto that was filled with such love and affection for his only living family member that it made something tug inside my heartstrings.

"Are you happy here?" he asked as we sat a little closer, his jacket draped around our shoulders. I had taken this as an excuse of course, to snuggle up close to his heat. 

I allowed my eyes to linger over the multitude of stars dotting the sky, before murmuring, "I wouldn't say I'm happy. I guess I'm content with my life here." 

"Do you miss home?" he'd asked gently, while one of his hands reached up to flick a hair away from my face. It lingered there for a little too long to be coincidental, causing another troop of well-trained butterflies to flutter across my chest.

"I do," I let out a wistful sigh, "but god knows when I'll be able to go back." 

"How about this summer?" 

"The plane ticket's too expensive and I really don't want to make my parents pay. I'd like to try and pay for the ticket myself, at least." 

He hummed in response and his shoulder nudged mine, as though trying to give me some semblance of comfort. It worked. With Taehyung, I felt like everything was easy, as though all my troubles seemed to fade away into background noise.

"Are you happy?" I'd asked him when we were gathering up our belongings and trodding over to our bicycles. 

He looked at me, surprise flashing through his face for an instant. He lifted his shoulder into a one-armed shrug, "I would say that I am. I don't have a reason not to be." 

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