Chapter Seventeen.

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Sorry I took so long for the update. :/ I'm more focused on this story than Would You Mind If I Fell For You? (WYMIFFY?) Because this one is almost to the ending point, and the other one I just kind of began, so I wanna finish this story before I get REALLY focused on the other one.

Also, I just found out that you update your stories on the mobile device app. So that's amazing! :) I won't have to keep using my 'notes' anymore! ;)

Okay, are you all ready to find out who that chick was? Was it Scarlett? Or just some girl that they missed? Let find out! :)

Chapter Seventeen.

~Louis' P.O.V~

Me and Niall continued to scream at the unexpected face that I missed for so long.

"Shh! Are you two always this bloody loud?!" She yelped, trying to shush us.

I clamped a hand over my mouth, mirroring Niall's moves, and shut up. But my eyes were still almost buldging out of the sockets.

"Gosh." She muttered under her breath.

Once I caught my breath and my eyes focused on the view infront of me, I found the words to speak.

"S-Scarlett?" I studdered, trying to find words.

She gave me a funny look, and then a grin started to appear. My eyes became big again, and I lunged myself toward her, hearing her reply with a "Unf."

"H-how are you still alive?! I thought you died! Oh my god. I missed you. Wait. Why didn't you tell me?! You had me worried sick! For years!! What the hell is wrong with you?" I went on, and on, yelling at her. I was mad/happy seeing her. Could you blame me?! It's been 3 years!

"Shush! Gosh." She said, prying me off of her. "First of all; I'm not Scarlett. Second of all; I don't know you. And, third; I'm Scarlett's twin sister. And last but not least; Scarlett is dead. I can't believe you would even think Scarlett came back to life." She explained.

My smiled instantly went down. So did Niall's. Scarlett had a twin? She never told me that. And now that I think of it, she hasn't really ever mentioned her family besides her parents missing her.

"A-A Twin?" Niall said, eyes big.

She nodded. "Yes. My name is Katherine. And now that you both know me, who the hell are you?"

"Niall, Louis. Louis and Scarlett had a thing.." Niall said, pointing to me me and him as he introduced us.

Katherine's eyebrows rose when he told her that. "So do you have anything to do with her death?" She asked, folding her arms across her chest.

"No, not exactly. I was too busy crying to actually see what was going on. We found her dead." I explained to Katherine's question.

She nodded, understanding. "Sorry that I got your hopes up on me being Scarlett." She apologized, frowning.

"It's okay. Not exactly your fault." I said, chuckling. Now that I take a good look at her, her and Scarlett didn't look exactly identical. Katherine had some minor acne across her upper head, and different color eyes and shorter hair.

She smiled and then walked away. "Well. That was interesting..." Niall muttered, sighing.

I nodded, agreeing.

Not exactly how I had planned for this day to go, but oh well. I sure wont forget this day.

~Trip Back To Doncaster, In The Car~

"The wheels on the Ranger Rover go round and round, round and round. All through the town!" Harry and Niall sang together loudly. I zoned them out and focused on the road infront of me.

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