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*I literally felt like I wasn't in control of myself. And then there was a flash. We both jumped away and the lady smiled at us, placed the camera down and said "that was so cute. Have a nice day girls!"

Shit. *

I snapped my head around to Billie after the woman walked away with wide eyes and flushed cheeks. She just sat there shaking the polaroid around waiting for it to develop, and staring at it like nothing happened. "Y/N we look so cute in this one" she said after the picture of us lost in the moment developed. I nodded my head and she looked at me. I decided that since she doesn't really seem affected by the situation I won't act like I am either. "Uh huh. Um Daniel and Mae said that they were coming over here today and they just text me that they're by the woods. Wanna come?" I said changing the subject. I literally cannot talk about that picture whilst acting like I didn't care. It was not going to happen. Billie sighed and her expression faltered slightly. "Yeah sure. Let's pack this shit up and go." I knew she wouldn't be overly happy about that. Don't get me wrong, she loves Daniel and Zoe. We both do, they're our best friends, but meeting in the park, in the woods, in the middle of the afternoon means that they are definitely there to smoke weed and she hates that. I do too to be honest but I would be lying if I said I haven't had a blunt or two whilst we've been out with them before. The high was fun while it lasted but now I guess it just seems stupid to me, but these idiots are our friends none the less so lets just go I guess.

Me, Bil, Zoe and Mae are the friend group, as well as the Bell twins. It's always been us six since we all met at dance- well not the twins. We met through instagram. They seemed cool and we met up. Anyway, Me and Mae are both from London but we moved when we were really young and still have the accent, but no we did not know each other before dance, we were just lucky to meet each other I guess. However in every group there are always favourites. It was me and Bil, and then Zoe and Mae. I guess that's just the people we vibe with more- mainly because I don't do drugs... that much.

Once we got to the woods, we followed the smell of weed until we were met with them. "Wassup guys" they said whilst dapping us up. "Yo" Billie said as I just smiled. Zoe offered us the blunt and I shook my head. Bil just looked at it and then back at Zoe with an unamused look on her face. "I'm not tryna die, Zo" she said and Zoe and shrugged her shoulders and took another hit blowing it into the opposite direction.

Fast forward about 30 minutes and the blunts are finished. We've moved from the woods to a big field and are sat on the blanket me and Bil brought with us. "I'm just gonna head to the toilet" I said. "Aight, I would come but these two are high and you know we can't trust them in a park at 5pm without a sober supervisor" Billie rolled her eyes and I waved bye and she waved back. I could hear giggling from behind me as I walked away and I heard Billie giggling too. At least she's not completely pissed off I guess.

I just finished washing my hands when I got a notification from Kate.


K:have you see what Billie made about me?!

Y/N: no I'm with her now. What are you talking about?

K:LOOK! wtf is wrong with her sort out you're friend oh my god

*attached 1 image*

Y/N: oh my days kate lmaooo. That shit is funny get over it. This bitch🙄

I turned off my phone and put it in my back pocket and laughed to myself. What I was faced with when I opened the image was a screenshot of lesbian porn, with her face and someone else's photoshopped onto the girls (yes this is true. Yes this happened in real life. Yes it was hilarious.)I don't know what fucked up shit is going on over at the field but I need to know now lmaoo.

I ran over to where we were sitting and I saw the three girls dying on the floor laughing. "What the fuck is going on! I just got a text from Kate that apparently yous made some fucked up porn shit or sumn. It is concerning but also hilarious." I laughed out. Billie stood up and walked over to me, phone in hand, tears of laughter running down her face. "We've been photo shopping people onto porn and air dropping to everyone around. AHHHHH I CAN'T BREATHE JUST GIVE ME A SEC!" She bent over with her hands on her knees trying to catch her breath from laughing too hard. I scanned our surroundings and realised that people are looking around confused and slightly disturbed, trying to figure out who was sending the pictures around. I just stood there giggling to myself. FUCK. WHY DOES THIS BITCH HAVE TO BE SO FUNNY IT'S NOT FAIR BECAUSE THIS IS WHY I LIKE YOU. Oh my days.

*Time skip to back home*

It's 7pm. Me and Bil are back at her house in the living room snuggled up on the sofa watching Stranger Things. We're both in our pajamas and I'm staying around again, but like that's expected 90% of the time so whatever. Bil was just chilling whilst I was looking at the pictures from today, especially the one that lady took of me and Bil. I just can't help but feel like she felt something too. When I looked into her eyes I swear I could feel it. UGH! "Hey I'm gonna go and put these pictures up on the wall, are there any you want for instagram or sumn?" I said getting up. "Ummm, can I have the ones of me in the pool looking like a baddie?" She said with a small smile tugging at her lips. I rolled my eyes playfully and grinned, handing her the photos before walking to her room.

I put all the photos up onto her mini photo wall. I went to walk back out of the room, but I stopped. I turned around quickly and got my phone that I had left on Bil's bed. I snapped a photo real quick of the picture. You know which one I mean, and then I walked out, but Billie was already standing up and walking to me. "Imma just chill in here. You coming?" She said, gesturing towards the room I just walked out of. I nodded and she walked in. I shut the door behind us. She put the chill playlist on and sat down on the bed, holding her arms out for me to crawl into. I sat down next to her as she wrapped her arms around my waist, and I nuzzled my face into her neck. We like to just sit in her room and soak in the music a lot. "Today was so fun," she said. "I felt so happy with life today. I mean you know how I feel about Zoe and Mae when they're smoking but I almost didn't care today. I just felt content today." I smiled slightly. I love it when Billie feels like this, because I know how hard she finds life sometimes. I mean I feel the same. We've both always struggled with depression, and if we didn't have each other life would probably be so bad. We are the only people either of us will tell how we truly feel, almost like each other's therapist except we actually understand how the other person feels and we actually like each other.. like friends ahah. I mean I struggle with anger issues too but I feel like she does understand that because she also has it mildly I feel like.

*Time Skip to Morning*

I woke to my phone buzzing. As I adjusted to the daylight filtering through the gaps in the curtains, I reached for phone to see what the fuck people wanted because um... sleep. I saw a message from Isaac.


I: Is Bil ok she won't answer my texts. Are you with her rn?

Y/N: um yeah. I mean she's asleep... why?

I: That idiot Kate is what's wrong. I heard she finna report Bil to the police cos of the photos yesterday


Y/N: oh. oh shit. Um I'll text you back.

I slowly put my phone back down on the bedside table with shaky hands. I turned my head to Billie and watched her sleep. This is not good. At all.

A/N- YO so I'm back. Imma try and be more active now I promise yk with quarantine and all. Trust me the stories gonna get more interesting now so don't give up on it. Ok I'm off to start writing the next chapter because like I said imma be back on my game. Byeee

lost** Billie Eilish X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now