I was at home getting ready to meet up with everyone.

"Jackson babe are you ready?" I ask as I lace up my Doc Martens.

"Oh shit, that was tonight?" He said as he rubbed his curls.

"Um did you not get my fucking text, duh," I said annoyed.

"Chill, I was asleep," He laughs a little" I didn't want to go anyway, you guys are boring no offense,"

"Yeaaa all taken," I said as I finished applying my nude lipstick.

Jackson shrugged and went back to the living room.

I grabbed my phone, keys, and my leather jacket and started to head out.

"Love youuuuu," Jackson yelled as I left. I yelled back as I walked through the grass.

I sang along to Echame la Culpa by Luis Fonsi.

The restaurant was crowded but I'm not surprised it is a Thursday after all. I see my crew hanging outside.

"About time, I'm starving," Jin whines.

Shut up, you would have still been waiting if you were already seated," I said poking at his broad shoulders.

"Yea, with food already ordered and a huge ass Margarita," Jin says as he pokes my forehead.

I was about to fight back when I felt someone jump on my back.

"Jiminn," I smiled as he kissed my cheek.

"Hiii Fletcherrrr, "He giggles." I missed you in class,"

"Yea got sick," I said as I carried him into the building.

"Children please, "Jin said as he tried to pry Jimin off my back.

"Where's Star and Hobi?"I asked as we got seated.

"Running late I guess," Jin says as he scanned the menu. I nodded.

After ordering our drinks, Star and Hobi walk in.

"Sorry everyone Had to stop by the Library and get more books," Star says as she piles in beside Jimin.

After an hour in I managed to share Two Margaritas with Jin and trick the server into thinking it was Hobi's bday so we could get a free dessert.

Did we do any studying?

lol no.

"Fletcher, are you good to drive?" I heard Jin ask making me raise my head from his shoulder.

I hummed"Yea I'm good,"

"Are you sure? I'll take you home, "He asks again.

"Positive Mr. Worldwide Handsome," I laugh as he does his nerdy pose.

I felt him flick my forehead again.

"What the hell man," I whined as he just laughs.

"Just an extra boost to get you going," he grins. I rolled my eyes before getting up.

Jin and Jimin walked me to the car.

"Fletcher wait don't go home yet we're going out for more drinks," Jimin said.

I laugh as I unlocked my car."Honey, did you forget we have class tomorrow ?"

I heard Jimin hiccup" No but we're all gonna fail the test might as well say fuck it and live it up,"

"Jin take him home please," I said as I see Jimin leaning against my car.

"I will after a few drinks," Jin laughs.

"Unbelievable," I said as I shook my head."Goodnight you guys,"

I said my goodbyes to Star and Hobi and left.

My friend, The hybrid(BTS/ AU) Where stories live. Discover now