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Elena hadn't shared her power with that many people before. She felt dizzy and excited, seeing into other people's minds and souls was wonderful, but tiring. Nenneke was the first to regain consciousness, sitting up slowly and looking around the room bewildered, and then her eyes widened as they rested on Elena. "You really are an Angel," she breathed. "That was wonderful. I've never felt anything like it. Thank you Elena."
"No, thank you for letting me see inside you. It was amazing," Elena said, smiling gratefully at her. Nenneke gave her a smile of extraordinary warmth and friendliness. Geralt and Iola were still out, she must have gave them a bit too much of her energy. Her eyes lingered on Geralt. He looked so at peace, his childishly long lashes fluttering as he slept. The grim frown he usually wore was replaced by an uncharacteristic look of happiness.

Geralt had been scared to let her in, but his fear was unnecessary. There was nothing in Geralt that could frighten her away. Even though he was planning to leave her. Not because he didn't care for her, in fact it was quite the opposite. He cared deeply for her. Elena was shocked to find the depth of his feelings matched her own; the intensity of them had took her breath away. It almost moved her to tears that Geralt believed he wasn't good enough for her. He truly believed the best thing for her was to leave her. But she had shown him her heart too. He had seen that his feelings were matched, and he'd have to stay with her. She couldn't imagine her life without him otherwise.

"You truly love him, don't you?" Nenneke's voice making Elena unwilling tear her eyes from Geralt. She was looking at Elena thoughtfully, her head tilted.
"You saw that too?" Elena asked, laughing softly.
"I saw everything. Your telepathy is supreme. I wouldn't want to get into a battle of the wits with you!" She mused, her eyes lightening up excitedly. Suddenly, Iola jolted upright, making Elena and Nenneke startle. Iola looked straight at Nenneke, but her face was completely expressionless, her brown eyes vacant. Nenneke immediately rushed to her side, and placed both her hands on either side of Iola's head. The small girl started writhe under her touch, her eyes rolling to the back of her head. Elena instinctively went to her side, and reached for her flailing hands.

Visions suddenly battered into Elena's mind as her fingers connected with Iola's skin. She gasped as she watched them flash rapidly one after the other; a younger Geralt but his hair was black and he was smiling; herself embracing other angels; a young, proud king and she was floating by his side, a hand on his shoulder and finally another image of herself, but this version seemed older and more powerful- with hundreds of people bowing at her feet. She seen each of these images only for a second, and none of them made any sense to her. The visions abruptly stopped and Iola slumped back to the floor once again, unconscious. Elena stared at Iola's limp form, trying to make sense of what she'd just seen. She could faintly hear Nenneke calling for help but the words didn't register in her mind. She was replaying the images over and over again. What could they mean?

It was the entry of three young druids, that finally snapped her back into reality. They quickly picked up Iola and bustled her out of the room, Nenneke shouting clear instructions all the while. "Don't worry, Elena. She'll be fine after some rest," Nenneke said reassuringly.
"Are you alright?"
Elena hadn't moved since touching Iola. Her mouth felt terribly dry. She bobbed her head weakly, afraid it was going to roll off her shoulders. "You saw it too then?" Nenneke asked.
Again, Elena nodded her head. She swallowed nervously and wetted her lips with her tongue.
"What was it?" She whispered, her voice cracking slightly.
"I can't be certain yet... I need time to decipher the vision," she said thoughtfully, her eyes had a far away look to them. "But... It's clear that your destiny is not yet fixed. It would appear you have a choice to make Elena."
Nenneke's brown eyes boring intently into her own. Then she looked passed her, her eyes lingering on something over Elena's shoulder, her expression changing suddenly. Elena turned her head to see Geralt sitting upright, watching them both silently. How long had he been awake?

"Geralt! How many times have I told you it's rude to eavesdrop?" Nenneke scolded him playfully. He gave his broad shoulders a small shrug, a smirk pulling up the corner of his mouth. "Take Elena to rest. She's used a great deal of power this morning. While you do that, I'll try and make some sort of sense out of what happened here," she said, waving her hands at the pair of them dismissively. Geralt was already up and making his way towards Elena. He offered out his large hand for her, his expression unreadable. She took it gratefully, as he helped her onto her feet. Elena leaned into his strong body, and he wrapped an arm loosely around her waist. Nenneke was right, her body felt like jelly. He had just turned them towards the door when Nenneke called, "And please... Ensure it's beneficial resting. That means sleeping." Nenneke making it very clear that she thought continuing their bedroom antics from earlier would be very unwise.
Elena could barely contain the laugh she suppressed, her hand fastened over her mouth. She felt Geralt shake his head as he led them swiftly out of the room.

She felt like she was being dragged like a dead weight back to their chamber, her heavy limbs struggling to keep up with Geralts long strides.
He lay her safely on the bed, a sigh escaping her lips as she enjoyed the feel of her body sinking into the soft mattress. "What did you see?" He asked quietly, he was perched on the side of the bed. Excellent question, she thought wryly. "It would be easier if I showed you," she said, holding her hand out to him.
"You've already used too much energy al-"
"Shhh.." Elena interrupting him, and took his hand firmly in her own. She closed her eyes and reached out with her mind, searching for him in the darkness. She found him quickly, her heart skipping slightly as their souls collided. She remembered the visions as best as she could and shared them with him. It was much quicker than trying to explain it to him.
She opened her eyes but Geralts were still closed, his thick brows pulled together. After a few long seconds, he finally opened his eyes, looking down at her thoughtfully. Elena shrugged. She was too tired to run through the endless possibilities- they could wait until she had a nap. Her eyelids getting increasingly heavier each time she blinked. She yawned loudly and let them close. She felt Geralt's weight leave the bed, and she shot her hand out blindly, trying to reach him but grabbing nothing but air.

"Geralt!" She panicked, forcing her eyes open to look for him. "Stay with me?"
She heard him sigh but he came back to her side. He shot her a worried look but he got onto the bed beside her, and pulled her into his side; her head resting on his abdomen. She let her eyes close when she was sure he wouldn't leave. She really couldn't stay awake much longer. "Thank you," she mumbled as she slipped into oblivion.

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