The Reunion

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Geralt had been just about to take Roach to graze by the lake, when he felt a sharp tug at his chest. His hand instinctively touching where he had felt it. Strange.
There was nothing out of place, no one around.
He shrugged it off and put the sensation down to a muscle twitch, thinking nothing more of it.
"Off you go, enjoy yourself for a bit," he said, slapping his horse's rump. She cantered off happily, her tail swishing behind her. "I'll be by the lake," he said, watching her explore the grassy banks. He shrugged out of his armour and sat down heavily on a grass verge, overlooking the vast lake. He smiled as Roach rolled and rubbed her head along the grass, blowing happily. "Someone's in a good mood today," he mumbled quietly.

He turned his attention back to the lake. Watching his horse experience happiness made him feel odd. Great, I'm jealous of my horse. He sighed dejectedly and tried to calm the restless energy that was building inside him. There was an odd tension in the air, as if something was on its way. He frowned and looked around, but there was nothing to see. Just harmless rolls of green grass; varying shades of green and brown from the forest. He closed his eyes and listened to the sounds of nature that surrounded him. He must have sat there for over an hour, breathing deeply, waiting for a moment of peace. But it never came.

He gave up with a defeated groan, slowly getting back up on his feet. As he did, his chest stirred again, but this time, his medallion gave a sharp yank as well. He stayed very still, and reached out with his senses... And felt nothing. He looked at his medallion suspiciously.
Was he going insane?
The sun must have come out from behind a cloud, as he felt its warmth on his back. But there was something oddly familiar about that warmth, it reminded him of... and then he realised. It was the wrong time of day for the sun to be on his back. It should be in front of him and slightly to the left. A quick glance in that direction confirmed it. His whole body seemed to freeze as he drew his conclusion. The warmth he felt pulsing against his back was growing, slipping beneath his skin. He had only felt that presence from one person in his life. It had to be her. He swallowed nervously and made himself turn around.

His breath left his lungs in a loud whoosh as he looked at her. She was right there in front of him, just a few feet away, and he was looking at her! He had thought that he had memorised every detail of her in his mind perfectly, but the images he held onto so dearly, were a dull comparison to her in the flesh.
She is so beautiful.
His heart seized painfully, as he stared at her. He was sure if he looked away, she would disappear. Her beautiful features were a mirror of his own and she made her way towards him.
Suddenly, his legs gave out and he dropped to his knees. His breaths were coming raggedly, as the feelings he so desperately tried to shut out, came rushing back. He didn't know if he was going to weep or be sick.

Two, white sandled feet appeared in front of him. Her feet.
"Forgive me," he said to them, bowing his head in shame. "Forgive me for leaving. Forgive me for hurting you. Forgive me for being weak."
He felt a soft touch on the top of his head, and he gave a startled cry, as a bolt of electricity shot through his body- head to toe.
"I already have," her soft angelic voice piercing his exposed heart. He did weep then. And loudly. And then she got down on the ground beside him and took him into her arms. He cried into her chest, as she made soothing noises and stroked and kissed his head. She simply held him this way until he cried himself out. He should have been embarrassed but it felt so good. So good to feel again. Even if it felt like his heart was going to burst. His hands were clasped tightly around her torso, his fingers clutching the material at the back of her dress desperately. He could hear her heart thumping loudly under his head. He kissed her chest, just where her heart should be, and he felt her shudder. He looked up at her then, she was looking down at him. Her face streaked with tears of her own. Her beautiful, blue eyes framed by wet lashes, making them shine even brighter.

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