This Is Real Life...🏚🍃

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Dean's POV

Money is money ,time is time but remember happiness is key

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Money is money ,time is time but remember happiness is key.
Amore and I argue 25/8 now days we can't even handle stuff together without her throwing a fit about me not being on time or answering my phone. I know I been slacking but the shit with ghost is still on my mind. He use to be my big homie, we got put on together and was close until I started making more money than him and he felt threatened so we stopped doing business together.

Are you ready because we don't have time to fight and argue while we in here. "I said to Amore with my hand on the door knob."

I'm good..but before we walk in can one of you at least tell me what where even having this meeting for. "She said with a nonchalant tone."

Oh yea.. I meant to tell you earlier but I got distracted. "I said taking my hand off of the door knob."

Yea I know. "She said sarcastically."

Come on bruh. "Izzy said lightly hitting her shoulder."

My bad. Now come on and tell me before he start touching shit in there. "She said leaning on the wall."

Slim's brothers are good connects back in New York that would be helpful to us by bringing in a lot of money but I don't think bros ever been in the game like this. I could tell we big dogs compared to him so I just want to see what he talkin bout before we handle business. "I said informing her."

Who are his connects because last time niggas tried to play with our time I don't have time for that. "Izzy questionably asked."

Deno and Bam I heard about them a couple of years ago at a black and white party. They do good business good deals. "I said."

Yeah I think I heard about them. They the guys who dropped 600 thousand dollars on a sail out shipment last year back in Florida and came back with 1.2 million. "Amore said nodding her head."

Yea that's them. If we do this his connects plus the connects we got from ghost we on some a whole lotta some. "I said smiling nodding my head."

Alright then let's get see what he has to offer. "Amore said walking into the office."

Wussup my boy how you been. "I said taking a seat."

Slim's POV

I'm chillin son

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I'm chillin son. Sta deal with you. "I said to Menace."

I'm coolin. Making money, doing business. You know same ole thing. "Menace said sitting on the right side of Amore."

Good to see you still here. Your sister was ready to kill you for not being here. "I said chuckling."

Please don't get them started. "Izzy said shaking his head."

Yeah don't get me started. "Amore said staring a hole in Menace head."

Then let's get to business. "I said sitting up in my seat."

Okay, So Deno and Bam them your peoples? "Amore asked me with a serious smile."

Yea Deno put me on to all this shit. Bam we just met along the way bros needed help so we helped him and he just became part of the family. "I said with a reassuring tone.

So you can trust them because we don't just work with anybody due to the fact that niggas try to take what's ours all the time. "Said Amore still very serious."

Yeah he mad cool. We take care of business and family. Y'all where considered family when your brother helped me out back in New York so we'll take good care of y'all. "I said leaning back in my seat."

If we close this deal how much are y'all talking. "Menace said putting an emphasis on if."

To start y'all off 15 kilos for the first shipment that means $100,000 upon delivery. After that y'all will get 43% of that. And then we go from there with the Grey shipment. "I said lighting my blunt from earlier."

43% first shipment, okay let's do this then. "Menace said eagerly."

Not! So fast how does the shipment work, just gotta make sure it's not a set up. "Amore said making Everyone stop.

Haha.. well um we will send four of our guys and four of yours they will meet the connects from Jamaica at port Miami with money to pick up the shipment, then drop it off to Jazz the handler, get the money and come back. That's when y'all will get your percentage of the money and then you flip it for us with your connects we will do the same. From there your boys will begin to sell half an half and so will ours " I said passing the blunt to her."

Hhm.. Cute and you handle business clean. I like it. "I said with a slight pause." It's a deal let's get to work we can get a lot done working with each other. Just remember we run this what we say goes. I just want you to keep that in mind. "Amore said hitting the blunt.

Alright then I'll call Deno let him know where in business and to set up a date and time do y'all can figure out who y'all want to send out. "I said to Alta's she passed the blunt back to me."

Alright we'll be in contact and make sure y'all send your best guys we don't have time for no weak shit. "Izzy said standing up."

We got y'all. I'm out I have places to go and bitches to see so I'll see y'all on the flip side. "I said saying buy to everyone then leaving."

Haha alright bye slim see you later. "Amore said to me laughing."

I left there trap and got in my car and made my way home.


To be continued this is just a filler because y'all haven't heard from slim since Amore met him so here he is y'all will be hearing from him more often soon.

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