A Dance with Death

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"But I've done it thrice already."

"And you'll do it a fourth time, and a fifth time and as many times as necessary. Now quit complaining and obey."

Eldon frowned but stopped himself from speaking another word. He knew better than to arouse Don Osgood's rage, especially at that time of day.

The sun faded on the horizon and the cold breeze hit him like a train, but the old man couldn't care less. Indeed, the Don hid under a heavy layer of bear skin that kept him sufficiently warm to resist the chill for another hour or so. Tim and Eldon, however, had next to no cover, wearing only sweat-stained cotton shirts and leather pants. Frigid bones and algid skin made him slower, stiffer, less responsive, less effective. 

Eldon let out a tired sigh and complied with the Don's orders. He rehashed the movements as best as he could despite the numbing sensation that took over his limbs. Before he finished, he knew he made a mistake and didn't even wait for the Don to ask. 

The sooner I do this, the sooner we can go, he muttered to himself, hammering thoughts banging on his head. He repeated the combo, properly, putting great care in every movement, treating each punch like the flowy section of an intricate dance. Satisfied, he turned to the Don, smiling victoriously.


The Don barely moved his lips, but Eldon heard him loud and clear. Words would fall halfway between the old man and himself, so he merely sighed and obeyed. With every new Again, Eldon's blood became hotter, boiling, liquid irony inside a frozen body. Soon, the heat within melted the icy surface and his grip on composure loosened. He repeated the moves, two, three more times, but there was no pleasing the Don.


"Enough!" Eldon screamed, unable to keep going. He turned to face the old man. "You could at least tell me what I'm doing wrong! But you can't because there's nothing wrong! You just enjoy punishing me and I don't even know why! I do nothing but obey you! That's all Timmy and I do! And all you do is yell and nag and treat us like idiots. But you're the idiot! You're a cruel and bitter old man who wants us to be just as cruel and bitter."

Eldon's words pierced the space between them, like daggers aimed at the old man. Regret came instantly them but there was no way to recover the damage. Why bother trying? The only thing that could worsen the situation was trying to make it better.

The Don said nothing. His expression didn't change and he showed no visible reaction. Tim's face, on the other hand, turned white. Shock overcame frost and his jaw dropped to the floor. He crossed his arms, then immediately uncrossed them. His widened eyes went from Eldon to the Don and back, uncertainty their new companion. 

None of them ever dared to go against the Don but there was a silent agreement between them that, should it ever happen, It'd be Tim who finally spoke the words. But he hadn't, Eldon had. Obedient, know-it-all Eldon, who had no idea what to do next. He stayed still, a shivering statue made out of fear and ice. He knew he fucked up, he knew there'd be consequences and he'd most likely be expelled from the lessons.

"I... I didn't mean that..." he began, but the Don cut him off.

"Yes, you did. Own it."

Eldon's eyes met the Don's and for a few seconds, anger made a triumphant return. "Yes. I did."

"Good," the Don said. "Then let's see if your bite is as tough as your bark."

With a swift movement, the Don removed his cloak, revealing a full armour hiding underneath. A flail with two small but spiky steel heads menacingly hung from his belt and when the Don reached for it, Eldon couldn't help but take a few steps back.

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