A Scorpion's Tail

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"Well, shit."

That's all Emmu said when Master Nilla told them the news: Samuel Lore Stanhope, the King of Makina for more than thirty-five gears, was dead.

Timothy took a moment to process the news in his head before finally speaking. "How did it happen?"

"Ara is not very specific," Master Nilla muttered as she poured herself some juice. "But blue traces were found in his sheets."

Timothy frowned and quaked slightly. "So Royders were definitely involved?" Master Nilla nodded. "That's it, then. We can't stay here, we have to go to the capital and help the Marquise."

Emmu agreed. "Tim's right, she could be in great danger. If the Royders are powerful enough to kill the King and remain undetected, then they'll have no problem offing a Marquise."

"We will do no such thing. We still have unfinished businesses here in Ravenport." Master Nilla's voice was firm, but Timothy could see the shadow of concern spreading through her features. "Ara understood the dangers. She also knew what her duty was. Ours is still pending."

"Then let's move already," Timothy commanded anxiously. "I really think we all should be together, so the sooner we finish in here, the sooner we can go join her in Ivoryport."

Master Nilla let out a tired sighed. "That we can do. But we must be careful. We mustn't do anything rash. It's imperative that our presence in Ravenport remains a secret."

Master Nilla's husband, Alder, walked into the room, flashing his usual bright smile as if everything was perfect in the world. A kind and unassuming man, much older than Master Nilla, Alder reminded Timothy of a character from a children's story, always positive, always beaming. Sometimes Timothy wondered if Alder had ever been sad, or if he even knew the meaning of the word.

"Hello, hello," the old man said as he planted a kiss on his wife's lips. "What's with the long faces?"

"The King is dead," Master Nilla said dryly.

"Long live the King," Emmu added, raising his glass in mockery.

Alder's smile disappeared and his wrinkled face adopted a more somber expression. "Oh dear. How's Ara?"

Master Nilla smiled reassuringly. "She's alright. You know our Ara."

"She has steel wings. But the capital has enough fire to melt them. I wish she'd come back." Alder's eyes dropped like a puppy's and Timothy wondered how could a face be so expressive. In just a few seconds, he had gone through a range of emotions most people experienced over the course of an entire day.

Master Nilla held her husband's hand and gave it a little squeeze. "Have faith in our girl, Alder."

As the couple comforted each other in silence, Timothy couldn't help but glance at Emmu. He knew what he was thinking, it was the same thing that Timothy himself was musing about: it must be nice to have a family that worries about you. For a few seconds, he wondered if his father would have shared the same level of concern for his safety. There was no point in entertaining the thought, he concluded, and his attention went back to the empty plate in front of him.

Emmu's voice broke the silence. "We'll do it today. We'll go to the Scorpion's lair today."

Master Nilla looked less than impressed. "I'm not sure you're ready for it, Master Eldon."

"Even if I'm not, I can't just stay here while the Marquise takes all the risks. This is my fight too," Emmu growled, his competitiveness showing.

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