A Scorpion's Nest

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The Marquise's message had been clear enough: the Crown Prince had given the order to move the bird. The attack on Ironport would happen soon, so if they wanted to stop it, they needed to get rid of the bird before it left Ravenport.

Master Nilla had reacted immediately. She left in the morning and returned in the afternoon with a group of Sky Pirates, the Rayguns. Although no one was excited about relying on mercenaries, they knew they'd need help if they wanted to successfully take the scorpion's nest. Besides, the pirates would do just about everything so long as they were handsomely paid, and Master Nilla made them an offer they couldn't refuse.

Along with them, the Rayguns brought Clementine, their pirate-ship-shaped aeronef. The vessel was large enough to carry all twenty of them, but discrete enough to hide in between the clouds, giving them the necessary stealth to make their strike.

After spending all afternoon planning and preparing, they finally came up with a decent strategy. Timothy and Alder, along with fourteen of the Rayguns, would remain aboard the Clementine, while Emmu, Master Nilla and two of the pirates, including the Captain, entered the lair and secured the engine room. From there, they'd open the trap door, allowing the rest of them to enter and join the attack.

Timothy disliked the idea of staying aboard the Clementine, but he knew it was the best way to go. He trusted Emmu, and knew he'd get the job done. However, the idea of separating from him, especially now that they were closer than ever, was one that had him feeling more anxious than ever.

The Clementine was now slow and steadily flying just above the clouds, its engine puffing, leaving a trail of grey smoke. Standing on the stern, Timothy hugged Eldon from behind, enjoying their last moments together before they separated for the mission. What was great about their relationship was how natural everything came. They had gone from friends to lovers without a big fuzz. There were no big speeches or grand declarations. They didn't even have to say they loved each other. It was implied in every kiss, in every touch and every stolen glance.

It was truth that they were avoiding the most complex truths. Timothy was still sort of engaged to the woman his father had wanted him to marry, something neither of them had forgotten. He thought that was the reason why Emmu hadn't fully thrown himself into the relationship. While the two of them clearly wanted to be together, there seemed to be something that was still preventing Emmu from going all in.

As they approached the point where they'd divide, Timothy planted a soft kiss on Eldon's mouth, gracing his sapphire's face with his glove-covered hands.

"Are you nervous?" he asked as their lips separated.

Emmu shrugged absently. "A tad. I'm more nervous about what comes after this."

"We'll worry about that later," he said as he kissed Emmu's neck. "Focus on the now."

"Are you doubting my fighting abilities?" Emmu asked, feigning offense.

"You can never be too careful. And I really don't want to lose my sapphire."

"Don't worry. You won't."

Their lips met again, this time for a longer, more intense kiss. He didn't want it to end, but it had to, especially because they had reached their destination.

Master Nilla's voice made them come out from in between each other's arms. "You can do all the kissing you want after we get out of this. If we get out of this."

"Could you be any more positive?" Emmu asked, eyebrows raised.

"Just keeping your feet on the ground, Master Eldon," she replied behind a modest grin.

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