Chapter 3

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I was flying through the air, illuminated by the glorious moonlight. It worked. The lamppost having returned to its original shape rocketed me through the air. This should give me enough time to use my own ace up my sleeve. I slid my hand into my breast pocket and pulled out a beautifully carved handle, which extended into a cane with the flick of my wrist. "To The Gent ~Clemence" was carved into it. As I basked in the memories, my body impacted the ground.

I raised myself one last time, resting proudly on my cane, just as The Chad landed in front of me.

"Ah, lil' bitch got itself a little stick! What, do you think you can beat me with a little sissy-ass stick?! HA! Think again you little pussy!" he said, murderous rage flaming up in his eyes as he stormed towards me.

"My good sir, I propose we parley!"

As the final word left my lips, a wave of blacks and grey erupted from my humble self, encompassing the entire street.

"Pah, think a lil black'n'white will stop me?!" The Chad arrogantly proclaimed as his fist raced towards my skull... and missed.

Or rather, I dodged his swing. Just like the subsequent blow. And the next. And the next. And the next.

"Stay! Still! And! Let! Me! Punch! You!"

He wasn't about to give up on hitting me, that much was certain. But as long as I didn't attack him, none of his swings would ever land.

"I apologize, but I cannot allow that. I have someone to protect."

As his anger-fueled fists flew past me, my eyes fell upon something underneath his tank top. A massive scar.

"Oh no. Is that a burn scar? It looks really serious." I asked concerned, pointing towards it.

"You- What?!? I'm fighting you, shuttup!"

"Who... Who did this to you?"

"These are battle scars you idiot! Now shut the fuck up and punch back already!"

"Hm, no, you're lying. People with powers like you and me don't retain scars from what we've gone through, each transformation resets our bodies to their original state. Chad, is this from before you gained your powers?"

"The Chad! We are not on a first name basis you bitch-ass cunt!"

"Oh no... that appears much more like an older scar. Is that from... your childhood?"


"Did... did other children do this to you? Or... no, your parents?" I asked, now much more worried.


"Listen, I know times can be very tough, but letting it out on others is not a solution. You need help."

"I don't need help! I'M A MAN!"

As his punches kept missing me, I leaned forward and wrapped my arms around him.

"Everybody needs help sometimes. And the manliest thing is to confront your emotions, not lock them away."

As his hands pounded on my back and my bones cracked, I felt his blows getting weaker and weaker, until they were more akin to child knocking on a door than a man trying to get someone off of him. His overly muscled form shrunk in my arms to that of what looked like a maybe 20 year old man. A man who was crying in my arms.

Yeah. This was worth it. I wrote down the number of a close friend of mine, a professional therapist, and slid it into his pocket, just before my body failed me and I slipped away into unconsciousness. This kid will get the help he needs. I hope.

And then I died, one final time.

Or, at least I thought so. In my last moments of consciousness, I felt another pair of arms wrap around us.

"Hush, it's okay my dear. Everything is fine now. We're here to help."

What a beautiful voice. Just like Clemence.


I opened my eyes, and couldn't believe them at first. I saw before me, my dear, dear friend. Her gold-brown skin and golden hair giving of a wonderfully calming glow. Clemence, avatar of feminine kindness and benevolence, The Kind.

"It's nice to see you again, Gent. It's been a long time."

I chuckled.

"That it has indeed. Great to have you back, friend."

The End.

The Gentleman versus The Brute [Superhero Story]Where stories live. Discover now