( "To Be." )
To be a bee would be wonderful;
to fly throughout the day with only
one thing in mind, to only focus
on one thing throughout your life.To be something other than who ―
or 'what' ― I am right now would
be wonderful; even if it were only
for a day. It could be a bird, a
flower, a bunny, or even a cloud.Anything to see the world different
than how I do now. Anything to see
the world as something different
than that can be cold, bitter, and
angry.( 140420. )
✓ starting line . [ᴘᴇʀsᴏɴᴀʟ]
Poetrymiscellaneous projects written by me for venting purposes ゚⋆﹒♥︎ [ 050119 ― 140420 ]