Epic Rap Battles of History: Issue 2

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Kai is sitting in blood as the cops show up.

Cop: Did the kid do this?

Detective: No, these guys have bullet wounds, and there is no gun around. We have already checked the area. Plus they have been dead since about 12 and the kid was seen getting out of school at 3.

Cop: Well than poor kid. He had to see his parents like this.

Detective: I know. I am going to have to ask him questions too.

The detective walks outside, and over to the ambulance where Kai is sitting drinking water.

Detective: Hey kid.

Kai drinks a sip of water, and the detective sits next to him.

Detective: So Kai is it?

Kai drinks another sip of water.

Detective: Kai, you know my parents died when I was young too?

Kai: Really?

Detective: Yeah, and your probably worried that things might start changing and they will, but things are going to change for the better. You lived in a bad house. We are going to get you in a home. Where you can be adopted by new parents. Thats what happened to me, and because of that I decided to become a cop. So I could help out kids like you and me.

Kai: Your really cool Mr...

Detective Steel: My name's Detective Connor Steel, but you can call me whatever you like.

Kai: Mr.Steel, will I be adopted?

Detective steel: Don't think about that right now. We need your help to find your parents killer. Do you have any idea who it could be?

Kai: Well, there was this worker who always fought with my mom. He also worked there every day. So I don't know why he wouldn't be dead.

Detective Steel: That's good information, kid. Do you know his name?

Kai: No, sorry.

Detective Steel: That's fine. You did good kid, thank you.

Detective steel gets up, and tips his hat to Kai before walking off. Later Detective steel comes back to then drive Kai down to the church.

Detective Steel: You probably think that you're not going to be going to regular school, but this church allows you to go to a regular school if you already were. So you will still be going to your old school. I'm not gonna lie to you. These people are really nice. You are lucky your school bus was willing to drive from Hell's Kitchen to Harlem.

The Detective walks the kid in.

Priest: Ah, this is Kai. Hello Kai.

Priest: He will be in the best care of the nuns.

Detective Steel: I bet he will. Kai, I come here every Sunday so I will be checking on you, see ya.

Detective steel leaves.

Priest: Kai, I know you have been through a lot.

The priest tries to put his hand on Kai's shoulder, and Kai moves his shoulder back.

Priest: You don't have to feel weird. If you don't want me to touch you that's fine. Come follow me.

The priest leads him over to the seats. He tells Kai to sit down, and close his eyes. Then to put his hands together in the praying motion. Kai refuses to close his eyes, but eventually gives in.

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