A beach day: Issue 4

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Kai is training with stick and Matt. It's been a few months since Kai started training.

Stick: Alright Kai, it's time for your greatest challenge yet, Matt. Ready? Begin!

Kai goes in for a punch, but Matt Senses it. He blocks the punch, and palms, Kai, right in the face. That didn't do much damage though. Matt then went up to Kai, and tried to jab him in the stomach. He hit Kai, but kai grabbed his arm in the process. Kai punched Matt so hard that Matt fell on the ground.

Stick: Matt, you're going to have to start hurting him more. Kai, you aren't showing any skills. Use your skill to beat him not your power.

Matt sweeps his leg. Kai falls, but then rolls for a quick rebound. Matt jumps up. They both run at each other. They start trying to punch each other, but just keep blocking each others punches. Then Matt gets one good punch on Kai. After that Kai slowed down just enough for Matt to be able to keep getting punches in. Matt then gave Kai one last punch to the jaw which knocked him on the ground.

Kai: Alright, your the better pupil!

Matt: I know.

Then, later on, that day Kai saw Matt give stick something before stick left.

Kai: What did you give Stick?

Matt: Nothing, let's just go home.

When Kai and Matt are walking they see the news on the tv. Someone is making a speech.

???: My name is Robert Queen, and I am officially opening my new business here in Manhatten. It's been a long process to get this building stable so that I could start elsewhere, but I think this company will help you all out very much. Thank you all for listening.

They walked past the tv.

Kai: Wonder why he would help out Manhatten?

Matt: He isn't helping Manhatten. He is starting a company here because he knows he'll get a lot of business.

Kai: What a douche.

Matt: Yeah, I know.

The next day at the end of school.

Jax: Hey Kai, you wanna go to the beach? Cute girls will be there, eh?

Kai: Fine.

They have Jax's older brother drive them to the beach. They set up a little area with drinks, food, towels, and umbrellas.

Jax's older brother: Alright go have fun.

Jax's older brother's girlfriend stays at their area tanning. While Jax and Kai go swimming. They start passing a ball back and forth.

Jax: You got some arm.

Kai: And you got some mouth!

Jax: Fair enough.

A boy and girl come over.

???: Hey, can we join?

Jax: Sure, what's ya names?

???: I'm Oliver and she's Laurel.

They start passing the ball back and forth throughout all of them.

Kai: So, where you guys from because it's clearly not here?

Laurel: We're from starling city,

Kai: The glades? No, you can't be from the glades.

Oliver: She is, I'm not.

Laurel: Yeah, but I'm in a nicer part of town. Not all of us can be rich.

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