Stick the blind Sensei: Issue 3

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Matt: It is Kai, right?

Kai: Yes my name is Kai. I have seen you around just chilling.

Matt: I think I have something of use to you.

Kai: What?

Matt: I'll keep in touch.

Matt walks off. Kai goes to the main church room where the news is playing.

Reporter: The judge found Chris Carnage guilty for the murder of Mr. and Ms.adara after a long trial.

The news shows mugshots of Chris Carnage.

Kai: That's not the worker.

Reporter: The murderer actually worked for them before he killed them. It just goes to show that you can't trust anyone.

Kai: That's not the worker! They got the wrong guy.

Kai runs out of the church.

Priest: Kai, slow down!

Kai runs out of the church ignoring the priest. Then Matt just smiles as he hears Kai running.

Matt: You're on the road to success, my friend. The road to success.

Kai runs all the way to the police station. Then he sees Detective Steel and runs up to him.

Kai: *heavy breathing* D-Detective S-Steal!

Detective Steal: Oh Kai, wassup?

Kai: You got the wrong guy. That isn't the worker.

Detective Steal: I know.

Kai: Then why did you arrest him?

Detective Steal: I have been trying to get Chris Carnage for a while. Now that case being closed set me up for a good retirement.

Kai: I thought you were a good guy!

Detective Steal: People aren't good. People are selfish. You're in real life, kid. Grow up before you get left behind.

Detective Steal goes back to doing paperwork, and Kai walks back to the church.

Kai(in head): Not everyone is selfish. I am going to avenge my parents. I am going to find their killer.

Matt: Hello Kai. You look different.

Kai: You just saw me not that long ago.

Matt: You look like you have learned something. Maybe I have a new life goal.

Kai stares at Matt for a second.

Kai: Y-yeah.

Kai leaves to go to his room.

Kai: I just can't believe that the police are so corrupt.

Kai rolls over.

Kai: damn.

1 year later it was 2010. Matt has been hanging around with this old man, and now the old man had disappeared. Until today Kai woke up to a blind man.

???: Do you know my name?

Kai: No...

???: Well good, but I think I am the one Matt told you had something you wanted.

Kai: He said that, like, a year ago!

???: The promise of dreams can take a while. So, will you be coming with me?

Kai: I have been through enough in my life to know I can't trust you.

???: You don't have to trust me. You only have to come with me.

Kai: I'll give you one day.

???: You aren't giving me anything. I don't have to listen to anyone. Me asking was just to know whether or not I was going to have to force you to come with me.

Kai: 1 day.

???: Stop fucking complaining.

They start walking down the street. Then eventually they get to a gym. They go in, and put on boxing gloves.

Kai: How are you gonna teach me how to fight?

???: You think a blind man can't fight?

Kai: Yes!

???: Well then let me show you how it's done. Try and punch me.

Kai: Alright.

Kai walks over to the man, and goes in for a punch. The man grabs his arm. Then the grabbed arm behind his back, and spins Kai around. So that he can't do anything.

Kai: How'd you?

???: For one, call me Stick. Now, how about I teach you a few tricks.

Kai just looks at Stick in amazement.

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