~Ch.1|A blue friend|~

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~Inks POV~


I'm late!' I thought as I glided down to the beach with my satchel full of poison berries. Today was a highmoon. A highmoon is when one of the three moons is full, this usually happens once every two weeks. But due to recent events this highmoon came out of nowhere.

I landed in the beach with a thud as small clouds of sand spread across my feet as I tucked my wings behind my back. I looked at my surroundings trying to spot a certain friend of mine. 'No sign of him yet...' I've always loved the ocean. Ever since I was little I would watch the sirens play in the water and dream of being one of them. My eyes wandered across the ocean admiring it. It was sunset so the ocean was painted with yellows and oranges. A nice break from the green and brown of the forest. The beach had sparkling yellow sand. And behind me was a cliff, the one I glided down from.

The beach wrapped all the way around the cliff...I think. Honestly I haven't been much farther then the the forest and the beach.

"Blue slow down! Your about to rip my arm off!"

"Then swim faster! Ink has probably been waiting forever!"

'There they are.'

I looked toward where I heard the voices. Sure enough there was two people swimming to the beach. "Hey......or not." I stopped talking when I saw them dive underwater knowing that they can't hear there. I put down my satchel preparing for what's coming next.

Blue and Lusts head poked out of the water. "Hi Ink!" Blue greeted me. Lust flinched at the loudness of his voice but I was used to it. "Hey~" Lust said in his usual flirty tone. "Hey guys." I said as I started walking into the water. Blue held out his arms waiting for me to take them. Once I did I started to pull/drag him towards the beach.

~Third POV~

Blue let out a relaxed sigh, "Its nice to get out of the water for a bit." Lust pulled himself out of the water and sat crossed-legged on top of the water, some ocean foam surrounding him.

The three friends talked and laughed till the sun was below the ocean and the three moons shined bright above them. It was high tide now and blue sat peacefully in the calm water talking about how nasty humans are and how there killing the coral reefs.

Blue was a siren. The ocean was his life and his home, so naturally he hates when something got damaged or hurt.

"I even found a whole tire just laying there! Can you believe it!?!" He took a deep breath to calm down. "But I'm sure they'll eventually learn...what about you Ink? Anything in the forest?"

This whole time Lust was just making patterns in the water. Only stopping to listen every few minutes or so.

"Nah, nothing really...oh! I did see some nymphs trying to free a bear the other day! He was caught in a...what do you call it-" "Bear trap?" " Yeah! One of those. "

Blue stared down at his tail with a sad expression in his face. Lust noticing this tried to lighten the mood.

"I think that the solar eclipse is coming up."

Blues looked up at Lust with an excited face.


" Yeah..? "

Blue grabbed Inks arm and started to shake him violently. "INK THAT MEANS WE CAN SEE DREAM!!!!" Lust covered his non-existent ears and started to regret everything.

"Yeah! Maybe, I bet he'll come this time!" Both of Inks eyes showed explanation points. And of course, Lust has no idea who Dream was. Blue let go of Ink and started to giggle to himself in the water.

"Do it again!"

Blue, Lust, and Ink looked down the beach where there was a green glow. Suddenly a loud explosion was heard along with hysterical laughter. Ink looked up towards the sky where the middle moon was directly above them.

"Oh...I didn't realize how late it is." Ink began to get up and brush himself off. Blue continued to look down the beach, a bit worried.

Lust also stood up and tapped Blue on his shoulder, "Blue, we should get going." Lust said following Blues gaze down the beach.

"Hm? Oh yeah we should go. Carrot doesn't like it when I'm out during witching hour." Ink looked at the floor where he left his satchel a while ago. He picked it up and knelt down next to Blue holding the poison berries. Blue took one and put it in his mouth thanking Ink for them.

After saying their goodbyes Blue turned around and began to swim while Lust burst into hundred of water droplets falling to the water.

Ink smiled to himself as he turned back to the cliff. He spread his wings and began his flight back home.

~Time Skip~

The ocean water was nearly black with small slivers of silver here and there from the moon (which was no problem for Blue). It was peaceful, no commotion, no looking out for predators, and no fish smacking you in the face every time you didn't pay attention.

It was perfect for swimming.

Blue glided happily through the water, doing flips and rolling.

Lust watched as he swam next to him. Not minding the fact that Blue couldn't see him. Little did he know someone else was watching...

"Who do you think will come to the eclipse?"

Blue let out a yelp as he turned quickly but awkwardly toward Lust. Lust sighed and started materialize next to Blue.

"Oh, it's just you." Blue breathed out. Lust out a mockingly offended look and gasped.

" Just me!?! I was expecting a whole audience!! I did my makeup and everything! " Blue smiled and rolled his eyes at him while the 'horribly offended' Lust grinned at him.

They continued to swim East.

"Anyway back to the question, who do you think will come?"

"Um, I don't know. I would think everyone."

"Do you think Lord Nightmare and the gang are coming?"

Blue stopped for a quick second before continuing.

"I hope not..."

" ... "

" ... "

They swam in silence for the next ten minutes. It was a comfortable silence.


This was pointless. YaY.

Oh, and here's a picture of Blue-

Oh, and here's a picture of Blue-

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(He's too fricken cute-)

¡Art is not mine and belongs to its respectful owner!

Have a good night/day.

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