~Ch. 4|Just Your Average Day|~

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Everyone stopped where they were, some of them listening, some of them waiting. It was completely silent except for the faint screams and what sounded like breaking glass.

'The hell...?'

Killers eye lights darted around the store. Well, more like he looked around the store, to anyone else he was staring at the wall.

Having invisible eyelights had its pros and cons. But we'll get to that later. Right now Killer closed his eyes and focused, tounge flicking out and in, tasting the air.

'Where is it coming from...? One...t-'


Before Killer could even process the words a huge blast broke through the wall, sending glass and toilet paper flying through the air. Instictivly his arms flew up to protect his head but he was too late. A sharp pain quickly lashed out on his upper forehead, and what felt like hundreds of little cuts burned all over his body.

The momentum from the explosion blew him backwards, causing him to fall. As soon as his hands made contact with the floor he was already getting up, right next to him on his left Dust was bending over, one hand on his knees and one over his soul. But Dusts eyes were fixed on the newly found hole in the wall in front of them.

Killer followed his gaze, he was now up off the floor with his tail twisted in an uncomfortable way behind him.

"What. The. Living. Hades. Is. That?"

Killers eysockets widened, he didn't blame his friend for tugging his hood back.

Standing in front of them sniffing the air was....a....dog? Slime? Thing...? To put it in the best words it looked like some deformed dog with no ears covered in tar.

"Is that one of Nightmares?" Killer asked, still looking at the thing.

"I dont know..."

Dust slowly cameout from behind him to stand next to Killer, trying to see it better. Speaking of which,

"You guys ok?"

Looking behind him he saw Error slowly picking himself off the floor and Nightmare shaking the dust off his wings. Error seemed pretty fine, only some cuts and a bruise on the corner of his right eyesocket. Nightmare seemed fine as well, but the way he slightly winced when he shook his wings meant he probably had some damage somewhere.


Everyone doubled over clutching their nonexistent ears. The thing had now begun screeching at the top of its lungs, slowly walking into the store.

"WHAT THE HELL-?!?" Dust tried to say something else but the screaming creature blocked it out.

'What is it doing!?!"

Looking around Killer trying to figure out what to do, but the ringing in his skull messed with the thoughts in his head. The screaming thing began to walk towards them, a small sense of panic began to creep up on Killer.

But as soon as he manged to remember the knife in his pocket, blue stings shot out from either side of him. Behind him Error started screaming, his glitched out voice barely auditable.

"$HŮŢ UP. $HÛT UP!¡!"

The strings wrapped themselves around the creatures body suspending to in the air. Error began to pull tighter and tighter on the the strings.

Then, for the final time, it let out a blood curdling scream before it teared apart, a mix of blood and black goop flying everywhere.

The black skeleton stomped up to the body of the dead creature and stomped furiously on the head. His previously red slippers now stained black.

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