~Ch. 2|Shopping|~

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The palace was usually a place that people feared. It stood high above any stalagmite in Tartarus, with towers that glare down at the SOULs below. But for some, it was home.


Five monsters were gathered in the dining hall, doing something that was close to eating but not exactly.

"Hey! That's my knife!"

"Oh shut it Killer, you never even used it."

" ......but it's still my knife-"

"Killer shut up!!!"

"Jeez! Oh, and Dust, Horrors eating your arm again."

" Horror get off!!! "

"Ok, ok! Killer you snitch!" He snarled at Killer who just sat there with look torn between offended and confused.

" W¡ll eVer¥onE $hut uP!? "

"Why are you all so grumpy!?!"

"If I remember correctly, you weren't at the fight last night! I swear to Gaia your spoiled!"

" Am not!!"

"HEY, will everybody be quite!?! Your in the same room for crying out loud!"

Nightmare shot a stern glance at Dust who challenged it but failed sinking back in his chair. Everyone went back too eating silently. That was until Killer spoke up, "How'd it go?"

"...good I guess, we destroyed half of Crystal before Ink showed up. Did anything happen at patrol?"

Killer sighed, dropping his fork and staring down at his food. "Yeah, um...i-it went great." He shuffled nervously in his seat, everyone eyed him with skeptical looks. The nervous skele flicked his tongue out and in before going back to eating.

The rest of the day went normal. Well as close to normal as a chaotic day in hell can get. Usually, the bad Sans' didn't go down here, they hung out on the surface must of the time. But with Nightmare as their leader they made an annual trip down to the underworld. They didn't mind it since it was pretty nice down there.
Dust walked in to the main living room dragging a bloody broom behind him. "D∆mN, wh∆T Ha¶pEneD t0 ¥0u¿" Error asked from the corner of the room on a little hammock/web.

Dust threw the the broom on the floor and flopped on the couch, mumbling something. Horror crawled over to Dust and grabbed his arm nibbling on it.

"Wh∆T?" Error looked at Horror but decided just to leave it.

He sighed, petting the cannibals head. "Rock worms."

The glitch held back a laugh, "H0w biG w∆$ It¿ ¥0u Lo0k l¡kE cR∆¶."


"I'm so boooored! Where the hell is Nightmare and Killer!?" Horrors shouts echoed throughout the halls of the stronghold, causing it to sound like it was shouting back at him. "Screw this, I'm going out." And in a flash there was a wolf walking out the door.

"Hey wait up!" Dust ran after Horror before stopping in the hallway. " You going to come? ", Error just nodded and started to climb off his web.

By the time the two skeles caught up to the wolf they were both out of breath. The three of them looked at the bustling streets of downtown. People and monsters were going on with their daily business, shopping, picking up kids from school, and eating. Downtown, aka Néa Elpída, was made up of three parts, Main, South, and East.

Of course it being the main city down here, it was huge.

" ¥oU tH1nK NigH+MaR€ anD K1lL$ aRe HerE? " Error asked, looking at the huge mass of people. Anxiety clearly splattered on his face. Dust looked at his friend slightly concerned. Error had bad haphephobia, and hated large crowds.

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