1000 years ago

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1000 years ago...

"Quickly, she whispered to the man beside. Covered in shadows, tall with a handsome scarred face. The plants were shrivelled around him and dead, while he stood strong and powerful. While he stood efficacious, she was pallid and lax, with a small bundle in her arms. Her hair was dulled from its normal sheen, her startling purple eyes spiritless and heavy shoulders.

Suddenly, the bundle of blankets in her arm starts crying, rocking back and forth with hoarse cries and whimpers. She uncovers the blankets to show, a beautiful baby, glossy rose gold hair and stunning purple-black eyes. The man recoils "She's a half-bred, get her away from me!". As the male said that, the women started crying, "She's our daughter, it's your fault when you bed yourself with a lesser female or a different court." Her voice shook with pain but was spiteful and rude, "You have to accept her Lord Decassus, your daughter is one of the most powerful Fae out there, and-".

Her voice cut off as a fatal lead bullet slammed into her chest; her eyes went glossy at the shock and the pain. "Why," she mouthed to the lord, the lord who had bedded her after a catastrophe of a festival, who had used her and thrown her away not realising that they had created a bastard child. The lord who had one of his lackey's shoot her, as she was in the way. The lord of death is a hard, unforgiving man. She mustered up the strength and spoke softly "I name our child Valia, please protect her and remember she is-" And with that final inhale, the lesser fae, who had a child of with the incarnate of death, died.

Decassus scoffed and said to his lackey, "Agui, I want you to put this thing, in The Hold where I don't ever have to see this foul Half-bred, lesser fae again." And with that note, Decassus - the incarnate of death - walked off. Sickened, by his lord's horrible actions, the man put the fae baby, in The Hold, where time is frozen and nothing ages...

Many Years Later...

The Harmony court, where the mother of the child came from had collapsed and the Lord was dead. No one knows why it fell, but as time went past, it was forgotten and not regarded as a court, just old, mystic woods with a heavy mist barrier where curses, prophecies and death emerge. Some have sworn to hear haunting melodies, and enthralling songs at midnight, those who have dared to enter the forest, never come out. Those who enter and do come out, always come out missing limbs, sight or even part of their brain.

Once a year, the barrier will lift, on Winter Solstice, the creatures creep out at night and the nearby villages, shelter their young, lock their windows and doors and don't sleep. The fae are wide-eyed and tense, as those who don't lock their doors are those who scream at night. Screaming, along with the wind and that scream is full of fear and pain, often yelling HELP, that no one ever does. They rarely ever survive the night and if they do.. their minds are wrecked. They stutter and shake, not coherent enough to form sentences and when day comes...

The paths are lined with blood and bones, trailed down and footprints imbedded. The ones who survive the night describe towering monsters of old, with taloned hands, talons and tails, fangs dripping with blood and rotting skin. They tell stuttering tales of monsters with only white skin for eyes and people with nothing that can hold them back. This is what scares fae the most, the fact that all-powerful fae can't hold back the monsters that creep at night.

One year, after a particularly bad Winter Solstice, words are left in blood on the path.

The girl of old, who is the daughter of death and sound will destroy you all.

When the girl rises to wings, let her see herself as no others have done and let her reveal the secrets that are deep inside courts, let the girl see all and let her break the world

After this Winter Solstice, a strange girl is found in the Court of Life, with a patch of dead plants around her and an expression of wonder on her face. The girl who has blackish-purple eyes is adopted the same night an item is reported missing from The Hold and the melodies of the forgotten court gain.....

Sorry for taking so long to update, I've notbe busy but procrastinating. Hope you enjoy and please send me any edits, feedback or requests you want. I appreciate all. I will get a proper updating schedule once I'm a couple chapters in... I'm sorry for the update being so short :)

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