Part 2

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   When I was 13 a group of guruls invaded La Lune. They were usually hunted but the lack of the moon's protection made the town a prey to this animal. A Gurul is a mix between a tiger and a golden eagel. With beaks and sharp claws capable of killing easily.

  Not many were killed but they were advancing fast to La Lune and the people feared for their lives. I knew not why. I had seen many guruls and they were so gentle. Like big cats. But they had huge strong wings they never used.

  Grandmum said they were cursed by the Sun king because once, thousand of years ago, they tried to reach the skyes and sit besides the King.

  Never to fly was their curse. I say, how evil is the Sun king. They had their freedom shortened just for aiming high. I sympathised with them. I had my freedom sealed just by being born.

  When I first had my eyes covered my grandmum had to help me a lot, but soon i was almost able to see without using my sight. I was afraid the guruls would stop coming because of my covered eyes; in fear just like other people. But they stop coming and I was so alone.

  However gentle I found them, they still attacked the townsmen. I was afraid, not for the people, but for them. My grandmother asked for my help, as she knew how the guruls once loved me. I felt anxious at the thought of feeling a gurul again, so I accepted, oh how cruel she was. She knew what I had to do and the consequences.

  She made me run to the city centre and ask them to stop. I did and when they came, i felt the ground shake with their stomping, the air thick with their heavy breathing. I shouted for them to stop. But they just rushed through me. As if they could not see me. How it hurt.

  I streched my hand and felt one of them rush by. My senses were higher than the last time I had touched one and I was mesmerized by it. The sleek fur and the soft wings. Though it was a fast touch i felt so much.

  I turned backwards and faced the direction they were going. I wanted to see them, so I yanked the cloth covering my eyes. The sun burned when I tried to open them. All was suddenly silent. When I opened my eyes i could only see the guruls. They were looking at me with big blue eyes. I asked them to stop once again.

  The biggest of them all walked up to me. I had named him Raj and thought him to be their leader when they came to me. He was earnest and gentle and i sensed that he smiled when I stroked his fur. Now, he had and anger demeanur and blood on his beak and claws.

  'young one, it has been some time' I heard his voice in my chest. It was a first to me but I was not scared. 'Why do you want us to stop? They killed one of our cubs and so we want vengeance'

  How horrible these villagers are and how I could understand them. 'I lost my mother to their hands and still, I would not kill them' I said, hoping for them to stop.

  'young one let that reason be another for us to kill them. We have been whatching you, even though you could no longer see us. We know what they did and how much you have suffered and yet you always smile. Why? Let us avenge our cub and your pains'

  'Please leave them. Look at them, pitiful. They thought that killing one of you would bring prosperity back and yet they were afraid to kill an adult. But the fault lays on me. I am the source of their pains. Kill me instead and leave them alone' I smiled, hoping for them to hear my appeal.

  'You are not at fault and you will lose more because of your actions in saving them. Are you certain you want us to stop?'

  Did I? Yes. I wanted them no harm. Raj felt my insecurities. 'I see you want to help them'. Raj brushed his soft body against mine and i felt his body rumble with a laugh. 'But what do you have to offer us?'

  "freedom" was the sole word that came to my mind. I was certain I could give them their freedom. 'freedom'

  'Haha! We are already free' he laughed.

'No, freedom. I can give you freedom' Now they understood. All guruls joined my side. Some were angry, some were amazed. They knew what I meant.

  'You don't have the power!' Raj snarled. 'I don't need to. I know how I can give it back to you' I was calm and I did not give my smile away.

  'How?' was the last thing he asked. 'Simple. Promise you won't hurt them ever again and that you'll keep away from the Sun king's place'.

  The guruls looked at each other's face and all nodded in silent agreement. Raj looked at me. 'We promisse'. I smiled even brighter and my eyes shone a mistyrious light.

  Their wings suddenly oppened up and they were struk with amazement. Raj was the first to fly and the others followed right after. I was so happy to see them fly. So happy... So happy....

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2014 ⏰

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