To The Ground

22 2 15

Dava above ^

Dava and I had just made it back to our dorm room after carrying our bags the 10 minutes back from Target. I sitting on my side of my room while Dava was unloading the pillows and just placing little knick knacks around. I looked in my notes to see what Talin had written in them earlier. They read:

•3245 Heath St.
•10 o'clock
•wear a jersey
• be cute
• prepared to be amazed

I'm found myself smiling as I read what he wrote. He was pretty charming along with cute, but I know that those are dangerous pairs.

I decided to go to my playlist in my phone before searching through it. I put on the song "One of Them Days" by Kiana Ledé before putting my AirPods in my ears and my phone on the charger. I had decided to go ahead and start unpacking my clothes since I had to pick out an outfit for tonight. It was currently 3:34 which left me with seven hours before the party.

I would need to start getting ready around 7 sense I had to still had to take a shower because I was sweaty from moving everything into my room and walking to the store in the sun. I would have to do my makeup afterwards, get dressed, find out where this place was, and then walk there. Not to mention I would probably have to help Dava with her makeup.

Engrossed with my cleaning I had all my clothes put up and was in the progress of setting up my decor. I would have to set up my shower stand with my washes on it afterwards. Tapping my phone I saw that it was 4:58. I had about two hours left but we still had to get something to eat in case we ended up drinking because drinking on an empty stomach leads to stupid decisions.

Not feeling like going out to get food, I rummage through our mini fridge until I found a yogurt and an orange to eat. Something simple that can be ate while cleaning.

Finally finishing with my tasks about 5:45, I wanted to take a nap but can't stand getting in my bed with dirty clothes on. Sighing and grabbing my shower cart, shoes, and robe. I headed to the community bathrooms. Upon arriving I got in the shower and took care of my hygiene.

Once finished I made the journey back to the dorm pulled back the comforter to my made up bed and laid down sitting a alarm for 7:30 sense my shower was already out the way.

As soon as my head touched the pillow, I was knocked.

Beep, beep, beep

Are you serious right now? I just went to sleep. Why did I even agree to go to this party anyways? Is it too late to back out? He can't question me about it if I never see him again.

"Um.... you gon turn that off?" I look up to see Dava looking at me with a questioning expression. I sigh and then hit the dismiss button on my phone, silencing the alarm.

"Did you feel like going to this party, cause I don't" I spoke. "It's our first night, we could just stay in."

"Girl, I already got my outfit out. This is also our opportunity to meet new people on our first day. We won't be doing anything else and we can sleep anytime. We should also go now because we don't have classes yet. Once classes start we gon have to focus on them."

"Ugh, fine. I'm up, I'm up!" Pulling back the covers from my comfy bed, I climbed out of it, put on my house shoes, and made my way to the bin that was currently housing all of my tops. Remembering that this was a jersey party, I searched until I found a black shirt with some basketball player's number on the back. The shirt had two white stripes on the side and was long enough to appear to be a dress. Walking over to my bin that housed my bottoms, I pulled out some black shorts. They shorts were short enough so that it still gave an illusion of a dress but if I decided to twerk my ass wouldn't be out.

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