Chapter 20

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Once again I spent my time hiding in my room. I stood there in a large hoodie and sweatpants. My hair pinned up in a bun and lip gloss on my lips. It was time to leave for my spa day. Yesterday ended with dinner which didn't last long. My mother left and five minutes later Celeste appeared like a genie. If only I had a wish to send her away. But she was in a happy mood.

She sent me a genuine smile which left me confused for the whole night. It shaved off two full hours of my sleep trying to decipher the meaning behind the smile. I doubt I would ever know though.

"Let's go girls!" Celeste calls out as I descend the stairs. I watch as everyone starts to leave including the various girls Celeste invited. Suddenly a hand is placed on my wrist making me screech alarmed. I turn around quickly to notice Noah. He stood there with furrowed brows.

"What?" I ask. I look back to see everyone already out the door. I'm sure it would be another ten minutes until we left though. Considering how Celeste wanted everyone to fit into one vehicle. Which would be impossible a illegal even for a mini van.

"You've seem off. Is there something going on?" he asks. I try to leave, but Noah blocks my direction. He ends up cornering me against the wall making me place my hands on his chest to shove him.

"I have no idea what you're talking about. Can you let me go?" I ask nicely.

"Not until you tell me what's going on," he says amused. I glare at him before pushing lightly at his chest. He didn't even show any sign of movement.

"I don't have to tell you what's going on. I'm just overwhelmed with my mother. And now there's this stupid spa day which probably won't help my back and feet. Slowly everything is sta-," I could feel lips on my forehead. I freeze noticing our proximity. Noah was currently leaving a kiss on my forehead. The feel of his lips left me in a dazed state. I sat there staring at him like a bewildered child.

"That's all I wanted to know. Try to enjoy today with the girls. Tell whoever that you need some help relieving pain on your back and feet. Otherwise I'll give you a massage when you return," he states. I stare at him for a minute not realizing he was a hundred percent serious.

"I'm sorry," I randomly say.

"What for?" he asks.

I couldn't meet his gaze as I spoke. "I've been really hard on you about things for a while especially recently. I'm just stressed and tired. I just haven't had a good week," I confess. I could feel Noah's hands grazing my cheek. I felt like collapsing into his arms. I just wanted a moment with him.

"I have to go," he says. I glance up noticing him holding his phone in his hand. The vibrations echoing off his hand.

"Me too," I say softly before turning to leave. I don't bother to say goodbye knowing it wasn't for long. We were only going to be gone for a couple hours according to Celeste.

"Where were you?" Nat calls as I walk towards them. I was currently watching the girls giggle from the back seat of the car. They were practically in the trunk. There was no car seat or seat belt.

"I forgot to grab my phone. Why don't we just have a driver drive us?" I propose. Celeste comes out of the garage with sunglasses already perched on her nose.

"Because then we'd have to deal with Noah tracking us. Plus I wanted to take my baby for a drive," Celeste complains. She props a hand on her hip waiting for my reply.

"Alright if we get pulled over it's not my fault," I reply sharply. Celeste laughs waving at the girls in the back.

"All the police offers know my family and I. They wouldn't dare to pull me over," Celeste brags. I mutter to myself looking for room in the backseat with Nat. Ana was already buckled sitting on her phone texting at a speed I wasn't aware was possible for texting. "Reyna! Sit up here next to me. You need all the room you can get."

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