Chapter 37

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The rest of our hospital stay was horrible to say the least. I would wake up in the middle of the night screaming. Noah would try his best to consul me by crawling into the bed carefully to cradle me. These nightmares were worse than the ones I used to have.

So worse where Noah would fight and threaten the nurses who tried to separate us. Eventually they gave up especially since he would pay them money to leave us alone. He even paid for an extra night in a hospital bed which was selfish enough. "Are you ready?" Noah calls from outside the bathroom.

I was currently sitting on the toilet struggling to put on sweatpants over my walking boot. I was just thankful it wasn't a cast. Since the majority of my broken bones were in the lower part of my leg. It saved me from a full leg cast. I was prohibited from walking on it for the first month though.

"Do you need me to come help?" Noah asks. I hurried to throw on my sweatshirt as Noah comes bursting through the doors. "You didn't answer."

       "I was perfectly fine," I reply. Noah stands by the door waiting for me. The nurse already standing behind him with the wheel chair ready. I was finally cleared to go home after being put on multiple medications.

        Noah was going through extreme levels to prepare the house for my arrival. I knew he was only making these changes to make me feel more comfortable. I couldn't live comfortably in the same house that reminded me exactly of what happened.

        "I need help," I confess. Noah walks over to me picking me up with ease depositing me into the wheel chair. The nurse allows him to wheel me out of the room, carrying my bag behind us.

        As we emerged from the hospital Noah already had the car ready. Since everyone left Noah lifted me into the car on his own. The nurse silently leaving us taking the wheel chair with him. "Ready?" Noah asks climbing into the car.

       "Yeah, lets go," I mutter. Noah doesn't wait any longer. He turns on the car and shifts it into drive.

        "Garret is at the house waiting for me. Ana is waiting for you. Nat told her what happened. She's going to help you bathe and such. She offered to move in," Noah confesses.

          "No, I can do it on my own," I say stubbornly.

           "She wants to help you Reyna," Noah reminds me.

            "I am capable of doing it. I'm not broken okay? Besides someone needs to replace me as your assistant. Ana can be trained to. Obviously she can't work for Celeste anymore," I comment. Noah sighs choosing to drop the subject.

My words weighing heavily on my mind. Ever since we discovered the lost of our child tensions have been high. I could tell Noah was trying his best to stay level headed. The small signs of anger outbursts remained on his face for hours.

      He'd spend most of the days we had in the hospital talking to Garret through a phone in the bathroom. The fact he was hiding something worried me. This side of Noah wasn't something I've seen before. Each time Noah ceased to amaze me.

       "Nat stills wants to make the lists," I mention. Noah glances at me briefly before returning his attention to the road.

       "Do you want to?" he asks curiously. I felt awkward trying to talk to him. We just had a conversation that didn't seem like it was going any where positive.

          "I've thought about it, but I'm not sure. Technically, this is your baby. It's your right to chose the name for it," I say honestly. The car starts to slow down making me perk up. I push myself up in my seat noticing Noah was slowing down. The car gets pulled over onto the curb. He puts the car in park,
turning down the radio.

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