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I tend to overthink things in life. When we first got our seating and I realized I was sitting next to Felix I had a near heart attack for no other reason than that he was a boy. He was the first boy that I ever sat next to in my life. Back in Boston, there was no assigned seating so I sat next to my step-sister who was a bitch. I thought that if I went here then maybe I could sit by myself, like Nigel or Joshua, or I could sit next to an actual good human being who wouldn't whisper "puta" under their breath to piss me off. 

I guess I technically got one of my preferred options. Maeve was amazing. She was around a month older than me so I wasn't expected to act any differently than a five-year-old. Although I lived with my mom around thirty minutes away from school, I hung out at her dorm which she now shared with Luna more than home. But last year, whenever I looked to my left I saw Felix. He had black hair back in ninth and when I first came in he still had bruises on his cheekbone which we only starting to heal from the incident he got himself into.

Needless to say, my fourteen-year-old heart was stollen. Of course, we've never dated but to me, he looked like the Jeon Jungkook of ninth grade. Now we're just good friends. Before last year ended he bleached his hair. I didn't like the look but he said that he was going to die it red before school started. So now it was the second-month first week of school and there were two new hair changes. The first was Felix, he had died his hair yet again to a dark-brown-reddish type color which made it look more natural. He also cut it a little bit shorter so he wouldn't be able to put his hair into a ponytail anymore. And the second hair change was Maeve. She took her hair out of braids and began rocking her natural hair. Everyone loved it. She hadn't worn this style since ninth grade and we had all missed it. 

But while everyone was changing their appearance I was still stuck as the same old me. I thought about bleaching my hair but I liked my black hair, I was too insecure without it. Besides, Emma had bleached her hair recently and I didn't want to be accused of copying. 

It was needless to say that I felt stuck. I felt as though I was the bland boring girl in the grade. Everyone else seemed more interesting than me, which was why I confronted Joshua. It was two days after Elisha had his fiasco with the Elite and I still felt some guilt about not helping. But my mind was set on changing myself from being the good girl to being the some-what 'don't give a shit' girl. During math, I glanced behind me to see Joshua sleeping soundly like always. I smirked. 

"And then you move the whole equation to the left of the equals sign. Then you do what? " Mrs. Jeon stopped, looking at the class who were all already half asleep. She sighed. "What did I do in my past life to deserve this? You cancel out the negatives! I've been reviewing this one chapter for the past two days. I expect you guys to pay attention-," The bell rang and we all let out a collective sigh as Mrs. Jeon stormed out of the classroom. It was lunch.

"Anyone know what it is today?" Maria asked, crossing her arms over her chest, trying to stop her shivering. Yes, the days became colder as the season neared the middle of fall. 

"I think it's kimchi jjigae?" Everyone groaned. It was the second time this week and no one in the class liked kimchi jjigae. 

"I say we go down to the store and buy junk food," Ben suggested, Chaudry nodded and sat up. 

"There's a drug store that I work at near school. It's a five-minute walk. I don't have enough money but there's really good instant ramen and candy there. We can make it in the dorms and then eat it up at the rooftop." Elliana shrugged while laying out her master plan. 

"We'll all go." Joshua declared. We all glanced at him flabergasted. Joshua wanted to go? Joshua shrugged while leading us out into the hallway. 

"Won't we get in trouble?" Luna piped up. We all rolled our eyes and looked back at her.

"Do you really want to eat the kimchi jjigae AGAIN?" No one could fight against that wisdom. She sighed before following us out the door. We were all too hungry to pay attention to the Elite's presence at the end of the hallway. When we got outside, Ben, Alex, and Chaudry were already screaming with Nigel. 

"WE WANT FOOOOOOOD!!!" Nigel screamed. If anyone heard this then they would think that someone was getting murdered on the school campus.

"Nigel shut the fuck up." Felix groaned, rubbing his eyes while messing up his hair. 

"Are you still not getting sleep?" I asked him. We were at the back of the group so no one could hear us. He nodded silently.

"It's just, I don't know where my family is right now. When I came here, my dad told me to not get my hopes up. I've been trying to send them letters but they always get sent back unopened." He sighed, giving a quick glance up to the class before rubbing his eyes again. "So I've tried calling their home-phone but the number changed so I've been staying up every night to try dialing any number that I could remember." His accent got thicker as his frustration became more apparent. "I've even tried phoning the police in Australia to ask about my families whereabouts, but all that said was to only call in for an emergency." 

"You've got to get more sleep Felix-,"

"Don't you think I want to?" He hissed, his eyes becoming cold while scanning mine. "You have a family. You stay with your mom and you're happy. I can't even contact my dad or my little siblings." I stay quiet for a moment before glancing up at him.

"My mom wants me to transfer to a school in Japan. She wants me to be closer to my family there." That shuts Felix up and his gaze softens. "Listen, we all have families and I'll admit, some are more fucked up than others. But look ahead of you," I signaled to our homeroom class who had started to walk into the drug store. Nigel almost screamed in delight as he saw what seemed to be Flaming Hot Cheetos. Apparently Maeve told Elliana she would buy her some food so Elliana was waiting outside by the tables. Felix followed my gaze, his face unreadable as I looked back at him.

"I wanted to change myself today," I admitted quietly, not shifting my gaze away from Felix. "But then I realized something. After you talked about your family I realized I didn't want to change." I let my lips curl into a small smile as I lightly laced my fingers into Felix's hand. "Felix, this class is the closest thing that so many of us have to a family." He tensed when my fingers intertwined with his but he relaxed after a few seconds. "I've known you for a year. This whole class has, and we are always here for you no matter what. Okay?" He stayed quiet and I could see that he was getting emotional. I turned him towards me so then he could look me in the eyes. "Okay?" He nodded, a smile playing on his tired face as he looked at me. 

I let go of his hand and we shoved our hands into our individual pockets. I looked back at him before smiling to myself. 

"C'mon let's get some food." And with that, we sealed our friendship up with a smile and entered the store together.


A/N I just thought it would be useful to have the names of the Elite as well as the nicknames. I will start to give them more interesting plot lines soon.

Jeon Tae-Yong (Tae), Mrs. Jeon's son

Won Seungri (Victory), Principle's son

Yeon Hyun and Yeo mi (the Ys), twins

So Young-Mi (Mimi), parents are producers who are rumored to have worked with Heechul

Muk Hyun-Jae (Jae), best friends with Mimi 

Ryeo Bon-Hwa (Hwasa), nicknamed Hwasa because his powerful aura is like Hwasa's (Mamamoo), he's the most handsome but rude

Gwon Bong (Pheonix), kindest out of the group but watches and does nothing best friends with Jason

Ji Chin-Hwa (Jason), this father is a reality TV star who met BTS, dating Emma

Um Hyun-Jung (Emma), dating Jason, parents are models

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