Back From The Dead

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I woke up to him with his arm over me, he looks so peaceful and cute! He then opened his eyes and I smiled
Klaus- Good morning love
I kissed him and smiled
Destiny- Hood morning handsome
I try to get out of bed to him pulling me back into his arms feeling his warm hard abs on my back
Klaus- five more minutes please..
Destiny- fine only five though then I am going to take a shower, you can join if you want
I turn around and wink at him with a smirk on my face
Klaus- I would love to
He then smirked back and we both got up and he started the shower as I brush my hair and my teeth then we both got naked and got into the shower he helped me shampoo my hair and we laughed as I throw water at his face after we are done getting clean. He pushed me to the wall of the shower and kissed me passionately and as if he needed me. He picked me up and I put my legs around his hips and we kept kissing for what seemed like forever before I pleaded him to just put me out of the misery. He then put it in and I let out a little moan as it slowly went in and out touching my g-spot each time, he then moans and starts going faster and by the end he was pounding me as he kisses my neck and then I started moaning louder.
Destiny- fuck Klaus... I'm cumming!
He then slows down as I do so and then he cums inside of me, he lets out a moan and we had to wash our bodies again. After we finish he turns off the shower, and he helps me get into one of his shirts and I put on one of my skinny jeans. He gets dressed in his normal long sleeve grey shirt and jeans, we then were holding hands as we walked downstairs to everyone fighting as always
Klaus- siblings what is with all this racket
Elijah-  Kole uploaded a video on Instagram or whatever of him and Des dancing on counters and drinking blood
Rebekah- it is Instagram and yeah he will get us all outed
Kole- well no it's a private account chill out
Klaus- what the hell! Why would you put Destiny and yourself in that danger!?
Destiny- guys chill it was my idea.. don't blame Kole.
Klaus- love why would you do that..?
Destiny- it's not like we can die! It was just for fun
Rebekah- Bloody hell well the fun is over
Elijah- What were you thinking!?
Klaus- guys chill out
Destiny- omg we cant die why does it matter?! I was just trying to have fun!
I then take Klaus's hand and storm off as they are all still arguing about it, I take him out of the compound and we start walking
Klaus- love, we all are very aware we can't die but it's still was dangerous to post that.
Destiny- I thought you are supposed to be on my side!
Klaus- I am always on your side
Destiny- Good then this isn't going to be a argument
I then kiss him and we go for a short walk so I can cool myself off before going back home. We end up going past a college party
Destiny- can we go please!!?
Klaus- what? No! Not happening.
Destiny- please.
I then give him the puppy eyes
Klaus- bloody hell fine
I then jump up and down and take his hand as we go up to the house we then walk through so it wasn't owned by anyone. Everyone was dancing and we danced for a while and then I decided to blow off more steam by drinking the living blood bags that were dancing, Klaus joined me. We were covered in blood and high on the blood as we danced away and lights flashing. We then decide it's time to go home so we walked out and started walking home when we got there everyone was staring at us.
Destiny- what's wrong never seen blood before
Klaus- love you still have blood on your lip
He then licks it off
Destiny- thank you
Elijah- Klaus what have you done
Klaus- nothing, no one died we were just having fun loosen up big bro
Kole- Des..
Destiny- Kole don't! Me and Klaus did nothing wrong, nothing like you guys haven't done!
Rebekah- what is up with her..!?
Destiny- gosh thanks for having my back Bek I'm still right here
I walk off stomping
Klaus- wait to go guys I just made her happy and you ruined it again!
Klaus then runs after me and when he caught up to me I was in our room and then I punched the glass door to the shower.
Destiny- Omg why can't they just give me a break!
Klaus then runs his hand from my shoulder down to the bottom of the shirt I was wearing and started to pull it up and took it off I then turn around
Destiny- not now
I said angry, Klaus then just kept going kissing my shoulder
Destiny- Klaus!
I then sped him to the bed and pinned him and showed my teeth and then growling and smashing my lips onto his after a small make out session, we end up just cuddling and he messed with my hair
Destiny- they looked at me like I was a different person.. like a monster.. Klaus.. am I a monster?..
Klaus- love you are the sweetest person I know.. you have been through a lot, you are not a monster..
I then smile and he kisses my forehead as we fall asleep. When I woke up he was still sleeping so I got up quickly and got dressed and ready. I then walked to the cemetery where my moms grave was, it was all broken.. what happened? I heard a bang from behind me and then I got hugged
Destiny- what the..
I turn around to see my mother that was dead
Destiny- mom...
I started crying
Destiny- this isn't real.. Witches stop with this no sense!
Destiny's mom- I am here honey.. I don't know how but I am..
She hugged me and I hugged her back as I cried into her shoulder. I then took her hand and lead her to the compound when we walked through everyone was there.
Klaus- no way..
Elijah- who is that
Rebekah- I don't know
Kole- that's not bloody possible
Destiny- Bek, Elijah, this is my mother.. she died from a sickness and she was a witch but she back somehow.
Destiny's mom- hello everyone..
Destiny- mom this is my boyfriend Klaus
Klaus- it's nice to met you
Destiny's mom- you too, hope you are treating my daughter right?
Klaus- always
Destiny- This is Kole my best friend and Rebekah and Elijah they are like my older siblings
Destiny's mom- nice to met you guys my name is Allison
Everyone- nice to meet you Allison, your daughter is pretty amazing..
Allison- well thank you.
I smiled and showed her to the room she was going to stay in. I walked out to be grabbed by Freya
Freya- your mother is not your mother Destiny
Destiny- what are you talking about, that's nonsense she is right there
I pointed to her
Freya- you don't get it, it's not her! She has someone else in her body I can feel it, I met your mother before she died she has a happy era she has a dark one now it's not her!
Destiny- well you can't kill my mother, I won't let you
Freya- I don't have to.. she will die because a vampire can't live in a human body for to long.. the Phoenix stone was used on her I know it
Destiny- she is doing to die..
Freya- I'm sorry I know you just got her back but it's not her and I also know you didn't get to say goodbye so now is your time.. she is is pain trust me..
Destiny- I don't want her in pain... ok I get it I will say goodbye 
I started crying and I walked back into the room and was saying my goodbyes
Freya's pov
I know this is going to kill her I need to talk to Klaus, Kole, Hayley, and Elijah they will be the only ones she will talk to.. she might go out of control even.. I walked into the living room with everyone there but Rebekah..
Freya- guys I need to have you promise me something..
Klaus- what is it?
Elijah- anything
Kole- what?
Freya- Des's mom is going to die soon and she Will break I can feel it I need you to promise you guys won't let her turn it off again and look after her..?
Klaus- I will always look out for her
Elijah- you have my word
Kole- she is my best friend of course I will
Freya then walked to Hayleys house and told her to watch after Destiny's and she agreed. Freya then walked home.
End of Freya's pov
Destiny's pov
Destiny- I know you aren't my mom.. but thank you for letting me say my goodbyes.. I will put you out of your misery..
I then put my hand threw her heart with tears in my eyes and shoved her heart out. I walked out of the room to everyone staring at me and looking down at my hand.
Klaus- love are you ok
Elijah- here clean your hand
Kole- if you need to talk I am always here
Destiny- guys I am fine and thanks Elijah
I cleaned my hand and gave it back and walked off. When I got to our room I started crying harder then I have ever cried it hurt to breath.. I wanted the pain to stop as soon as I calmed down Hayley came in
Hayley- hey Lil one..
she then sat next to me on the bed and hugged me
Destiny- why does everyone die around me..? I don't deserve all of this pain... I didn't do anything wrong..
Hayley- oh Lil one you are right you don't deserve any of this.. I will always be here though.
Destiny- I love you big sis
Hayley- I love you too, you have Klaus worried sick he won't stop pacing
We both laughed
Destiny- can you tell him to come in here please
Hayley nodded and got up and went to get him I then hear a knock
Klaus- May I come in love
Destiny- of course baby
Klaus- I'm sorry for your lost you don't deserve this much pain.. I love you lil wolf
Destiny- I love you too, thanks for always being her for me..
He sat down next to me
Klaus- I will always be here for you love
He kissed my forehead, and hugged me. Kole then came in and gave me a hug
Kole- me too, I love you Des
Destiny- I love you to K
He then left me and Klaus, I put my head on Klaus's shoulder..
Klaus- always and forever
He then intertwined our fingers I whispered always and forever. Then he picked me up and laid me on the bed and laid down next to me..
Klaus- are you still up for your birthday tomorrow
Destiny- yeah! It's not everyday you turn 21 for the 2nd time 
We both laughed and fell asleep with my head on his chest.

To be continued

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