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We were starting to land and that's when it really hit me, I was going to see the man that used to beat me and my brothers. Not only was he a terrible father he was now a vampire maybe 200 years old, that's older then Stephan and Damon. They could get killed and it would be my fault, I didn't want to hurt them but I know if I left without them they would have just followed us. When we got off the plane, Damon compelled someone to let us use their car

Destiny- I drive!

Damon- ugh! Fine!

We then all got in as I started to drive to a hotel that we were going to stay at, I walked to the front desk lady and compelled her to give me 3 rooms, one for me and Klaus, one for Damon, and one for Stephen, they were all suits. When we got the rooms we all went to our own rooms for the night as I put a England map on the table for tomorrow's locator spell. I was starting to think me and Klaus needed this alone time, we were always with Hope. We had no time to ourselves but we love Hope so we didn't care.

Klaus- don't be stressed luv.

Destiny- how can I not be

Klaus- I can be your destruction

He said as he winked while smirking

Destiny- is that so

He then smashed his lips onto mine and I didn't hesitate at all to rip off all of his clothes as he then ripped mine. He laid me on the bed gently and started to kiss every part of my body leaving hickeys on my neck and boobs. I let out a little moan as his lips left my body, he then went back up to my neck and leaving more hickeys. I arched my back as I let out a moan and we were fighting for dominance with our tongues, it was always 50/50 with us. I won this time, flipping us over so I was on top and I started leaving hickeys all over his neck and chest. I then sat on his lap for about a second to catch my breath before he flipped us back over and slid it in, I let out a moan as he went slow as first and then faster.

Destiny- Oh my god Klaus! Harder!

I moaned as he went faster, he then started to rub my clit as I moaned louder.

Klaus- Fuck luv..

He moaned as I started to shake and we both cummed at the same time, and he picked me up and laid me down on the bed kissing me.

Klaus- you know I'm in love with you right?

Destiny- I would hope so, because I am in love with you too.

He then went into the bathroom and started a shower for us, I got up with my legs still shaking. We then got into the shower and got cleaned off after I finished, i got out and got ready for bed and so did Klaus. He then came up behind me and kissed my neck where the hickeys still were, I turned around and kissed him as I smiled, I felt our baby kick.

Klaus- what are you smiling about?

Destiny- Us, and he just kicked.

Klaus- really? Can I?

I nodded as I took his hand and put it on my stomach as we waited for him to kick again about 10 seconds after he kicked and Klaus started laughing

Klaus- wow he is strong, our little warrior!

Destiny- that he is. I'm tired

Klaus- well then come on let's go to bed luv

He then took my hand and lead me back to the bed, I laid down as he crawled over and and cuddled me.

Destiny- goodnight.

Klaus- goodnight luv.


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