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I woke up and ran to the bathroom, I puked my guts out and then brushed my teeth, Klaus was still sleeping so I walked downstairs and grabbed a cup of coffee. Kole walked in and smiled
Kole- good morning Des, you good I could hear you puking from my room..? Also happy birthday
Destiny- yeah I'm good I just have food poisoning and thank you
Kole- vampires don't get sick Des..
Destiny- well I am a hybrid
I then walked off and kissed Klaus on his forehead and walked to Hayleys house, I knocked on her door and ran it
Hayley- well hello to you too
She laughed and I was pacing back and forth dreaming out
Hayley- whats wrong Lil one
Destiny- I think I am pregnant!
Hayley- WHAT! I mean it will be ok..
Destiny- so convincing sis
Hayley- sorry.. it's just you said it out of no where I mean it is possible you are wolf and witch and vampire. You are half human and so is Klaus.
Destiny- what if he leaves me..? I can't lose him
Hayley- he won't leave you, he loves you. You guys have been together for 3 years, he will be happy trust me Lil one
Destiny- will you come get the test with me..?
Hayley- yeah let's go
We walk out of the house and I start panicking again, breath Destiny breath I calmed down and we got into the car and she drove us to the store. When we got there we got the text and left and Hayley dropped me off at the compound
Destiny- thank you sis
Hayley- anytime Lil one call me if you need anything love you
Destiny- love you too
I got out of her car and I had the box in my hand without thinking about it when I got inside Kole was sitting there waiting for me to get home.
Kole- is that what I think it is
Destiny- yeah it is
I hide it in my purse
Destiny- ears are listening don't tell anyone please Kole
Kole- I will keep it a secret, do you want me to wait with you Des
Destiny- yeah please I am freaking out..
We walk to his bathroom so Klaus doesn't see us and he waited outside of the door as I took it when I walked out I started a 3 minute timer.
Kole- ok 3 minutes it will be ok either way
Destiny- I hope so..
Kole- why are you so scared Des
Destiny- what is Klaus leaves me..
Kole- I know my brother and he loves you with everything he has he won't leave you..
Destiny- thanks K I needed that
3 minutes later
Destiny- Ok look at it
Kole then picks it up and looks at it
Kole- wait which is which
Destiny- one line not pregnant two lines is pregnant
Kole- you might want to sit down Des
Destiny- ok..
I sat down on his bed
Kole- ok don't freak out
Destiny- I'm am now freaking out you don't say that Kole!
Kole- ok ok I'm sorry, Um congrats you are pregnant!
Destiny- SH!
Kole- sorry
Destiny- what am I going to tell Klaus!
Kole- you just tell him, he will be happy I promise... he has changed
Destiny- your right ok I will just tell him give me that test please
He handed me the test and gave me a hug it will be ok he whispered in my ear I nodded and left to find Klaus with the test in my bra. I walked in to him taking a shower
Klaus- Happy birthday baby
Destiny- thank you
I smiled and I decided to do my hair as I waited for him to finish. As soon as he was done he got out put his clothes on and then came up to me and kissed me.
Destiny- hey good morning baby I need to talk to you
Klaus- good morning love what's up
Destiny- um.. just look
I handed him the test
Destiny- I'm pregnant Klaus and I get it if you want to leave...
Klaus looked at me with sadness and happiness at the same time
Klaus- love why would I leave you for this, I want to have a baby with you. I love you
He then kissed me on the cheek
Destiny- I don't know I just was scared.. I love you too
Klaus smiles
Klaus- how do you want to tell the family
Destiny- I don't know.. it has to be big like a ball and you will make a toast and add the gender of the baby.
Klaus- that sounds good, tomorrow? Tonight?
Destiny- tomorrow
Klaus- sounds good love
He hugs me from behind and left to get his things down for the day as I went to find a dress with Hayley, Rebekah, and Kole. I found a beautiful dress it was black I decided to wear that to hide the bump until we tell everyone. Hayleys was red and Rebekahs was yellow, Kole just found a normal suit he tried it on
Kole- how do I look Des
He then spun around and we laughed
Destiny- you look handsome as always Kole
Kole- if course I do
Here are everyone's dresses

 Hayleys was red and Rebekahs was yellow, Kole just found a normal suit he tried it on Kole- how do I look Des He then spun around and we laughed Destiny- you look handsome as always Kole Kole- if course I do Here are everyone's dresses Destiny

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After we when home and Rebekah went and had people setting up the ball for tomorrow, I was in my room putting the gown in my closet

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After we when home and Rebekah went and had people setting up the ball for tomorrow, I was in my room putting the gown in my closet. I walk over to the bed take off my heels and lay down with a smile on my face, Klaus was my forever love and I can't wait to marry this man someday. He was going to be an amazing father and I knew he would do anything for us, he then walks into the room and sits at my feet
Klaus- what are you thinking about love
Destiny- Us, how amazing of a father you will be to this little girl. OMG I JUST TOLD YOU!
Klaus- it's a girl! I am perfectly fine with knowing that now I can think of names and start in the nursery.
I smiled as he kissed my stomach and laid down next to me, what will be this angels name? I had a name in mind I just want Klaus to love it too
Destiny- what about Hope, she gives us hope
Klaus- I love it baby Hope is her name
He kisses me and then I lay on his chest as we just talk and talk after about a hour we started to watch a movie and Klaus made popcorn. I made him watch Kissing Booth for the 500th time, he hated it but watched it because it was my favorite movie it was so cute! I threw popcorn at him and started laughing, he then smiled at me as I laughed even harder from him tickling me.
Destiny- stop!!
I laughed
Klaus- ok only if you say please
Destiny- please!!
We both laughed as he let go and we started watching the movie again. I fell asleep right after he did and I turned off the tv, to a dreamful night. The dream was not a good one tho maybe it was a vision, I will find out in the morning.

To be continued

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