2. Why Not Me?

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    Hey, ya'll!! So I am planning on trying to post every week. Sounds Good? Yea? Great! So my main plan is to at least be ahead of every chapter ahead of time. For example, I have two chapters finished but I only release one. This way it will keep me on track and I won't miss a day or time to release. The thing for today though is _lighning_bug's birthday, so it's a bit sooner than I previously said. I finished this at 5 in the morning working on it, but it was TOTALLY WORTH IT. Anyways, BYEEEEEEE

*Gerard's POV* 

    I walk into my classroom and I take out my posters from my room. I place them around the room. Two Queen, one Pink Floyd, three Green Day, one Smashing Pumpkins, and one David Bowie. They look great up. I hear a knock on my door and I open it to find Ray standing there. 

    "Come in," I say to him. He does and sits down on the comfy chairs. "Hey, how was your first day?" "Really good actually. I'm having a great time. I have a fun assignment for them and I think they'll like it." "Oh? What is it?" "So, I want them to get into a group among themselves and create a few songs and perform them. I will grade them on if they do the assignment correctly and if the creativity. I will also be participating, but whoever group I'm in, I guarantee that they won't get extra credit. Besides, I would only be able to sing or play the piano for them." 

    "Sounds great! Could I join in too? I play guitar and it could be fun," Ray says. "I don't see why not. You have period seven free right?" "Yea, I'll be over here when that starts." "Ok great Frodo Baggins." "Frodo Baggins?" He asks me while smiling. 

    "Yes." "Ok, well I have to go now, I'll be here during period 7." We both stand up and I walk him out of my classroom. After he leaves, I go to the guitars and tune them. I hear another knock on the door. 

    I open it and find a man with long blonde hair and a beard. "Uhh hello?" "Hey, I'm Bob Bryar. I teach engineering on the second floor. So you teach music I see." "Oh hi, yea I do teach music. So what brings you here and do you want to come in?" I ask him. "Yea," was his only response. We sit down in the comfy chairs as he says, "I wanted to see how things were going, and I'm kind of interested in music myself."

    "Oh cool, do you play any instruments?" "Yes, I play the drums." "Great!" I exclaim. "I'm doing this assignment for my kids and I want to participate in it too, but we have few drummers in the class. Would you like to join us? The assignment is that the students will get into groups and create their own songs and perform them." 

    "Yea, I'd like to play for you, so what class do you want me here?" "Do you have period seven free?" I ask him. "Yes actually, I'll be here then. It might take me a moment though, I am on the second floor and it is a while away." "That's ok, I'll see you then."

    We both stand up and I shake his hand. "Looking forward to it," I say with a broad smile on my face. A few heartbeats later he leaves and I continue to tune the rest of the guitars."

    Period 7 approaches and I am so excited. Along with my students who arrive on time, Ray shows up too. After I take attendance, I calm everyone down. "Hey guys, so today I have a real assignment and here to my left is Mr. Ray Toro. Some of you may know him, some may not. Anyway, he will be here every day till we finish the assignment. Ok, the assignment is that you will get into groups and create two songs. I will grade you on your dynamics, creativity, and sound." At that moment the door opens and Bob enters the room. 

    "Great, class this is Mr. Bob Bryar. He will also be here till we finish the assignment. Now the thing is, Bob, Ray, and I will be participating in the project too. But I will not give extra credit to the student or students who will have us in their group. Ok, now disperse, create your groups and have fun!" 

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