Chapter 13

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Change of Scenery


"Everyone look, it's so sunny outside!"

All of the girls made their way to the window that Amy was staring out of and almost dropped their jaws in awe at how lovely the weather was. There wasn't a single speck of snow in sight, not even on the roofs of buildings like there usually was. It was as if within a day, winter had vanished and replaced itself with Spring.

In the small town of Concord, Winter tended to be a long and dreadful experience for all who disliked what the season brought. Muddy boots, tight coats and unnecessary pieces of clothing - which, had it been warmer out, would be unneeded. The townspeople often-times felt that the season was nothing more than a boundary in between getting tasks done on time or not.

While the rest of the March sisters smiled in amazement at the shift in weather, Annie instead pouted. Having grown up on the side of America where little to no coldness occurred - much less snowfall - she found herself already missing the Winter gleam. After all, it was her first time seeing such a wonder up close, and yet, it had already left her.

"So, it is," Meg agreed, pulling open the window halfway so she and the others could potentially feel the warm air.

"Thank goodness," Jo let out an exaggerated breath of relief. "I didn't think the Winter would ever end." Her sisters hummed in agreement, as they all leaned away from the window, to instead face each other.

"It's not all that bad," Annie stated casually, earning a combination of looks of disgust and confusion from the others. Even Beth, the quietest one of the group, stared at Annie as if she had seen a ghost.

"Hate to break it to you, but All Fool's Day has ended," Jo joked light-heartedly, but she wasn't really being sarcastic.

Annie shrugged unsurely, beginning to feel the pressure under their intense gazes. It gave her a feeling of discomfort, like they would all do nothing but tease her for her comment for the rest of her stay. "I just kind of like Winter, is all-"

Jo scoffed. "That's like me saying that I like-" She was interrupted when Meg placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. It was enough of a gesture to help Jo to understand that whatever remark she was about to say, wouldn't end with a very good note. And after the events of two-weeks-ago, that was the last thing she wanted.

Beth cleared her throat to dive down the awkward atmosphere in the room. For that, Annie shot her a look of "thank you" - and earned a nod back. "Maybe, we can hold a dinner gathering, or something?" She suggested. "With the weather being warm again?"

"Yes!" Jo exclaimed with a determined look on her face. She glanced at the other girls briefly, searching their expressions to see if any of them agreed with her. "We have to tell Marmee immediately."

"Tell?" Meg asked incredulously, shaking her head. "More like asking. We can't be making plans without her awareness."

Jo rolled her eyes teasingly, and slumped down on the nearest chair with her arms crossed. She gave her eldest sister a look of proudness, "that's exactly what I meant."

"I agree with Beth," Amy piped in with a wide grin, one that made her eyes squint slightly. "We haven't had a dinner gathering in ages." She too took a seat on the empty chair beside Jo and furrowed her brows in deep thought. "I don't think we've ever really had one, to be honest."

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