Chapter 17

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Sought Happiness


The letter in her hand instantly flew to the wooden floor. The calls she heard from the other women in the home echoed out, and all she could hear was the rapid pacing of her heart - the breaking of something she wished she had held onto.

The world turned into a blur, and so did all the sounds. The taste. The smell. Everything was just gone. Annie paused trying to hold back the strange feelings rumbling inside her but she couldn't. A lone tear traced down her cheek, and just like that, the floodgates opened. So many tears burst forth like water from a dam, spilling down her pale face. Her chin trembled as if she was a small child, and soon after her knees too gave out and she came tumbling to the ground, the letter like a nightmare behind her eyes.

Annabelle (Annie) Rosaline McLaren,

We are disappointed to inform you that Sir Edgar Richard McLaren has been an unfortunate victim on the battlefield in yesterday's conquest against the enemies. He was pronounced unconscious on-site and after transferring him to the nearest healer, he had passed away mid-surgery.

We have been notified by one of our men that Sir McLaren was attempting to the best of his ability to revive a fallen soldier, but he had, unfortunately, come into close contact with one of the hidden missile plants.

He was a truly bright and hardworking individual and will forever be remembered as a deeply caring and considerate man. We do hope you understand that we are with you during this very difficult and untimely event. Our grievances are with you; as his daughter, you mean just as much to us as you did for him. We do wish you the greatest of health.

Colonel Manchester, United States Armed Forces

Annie lost the color from her face. It was as if her heart had suddenly stopped beating and all the blood had run down into her boots. She swayed for just a moment before someone caught her and lowered her to the ground.


Everything was blurry. For a second, Annie never knew what or where she was. She didn't know how she got in that bed, or how she got in those clothes. Then, everything was processed. She was in her room. The thing above her was the ceiling. The thing on top of her was the duvet. The thing underneath her was the pillow and mattress. The thing she was wearing was her nightgown. She could see everything clearly now. She slowly sat up. She had woken up.

But she wished she hadn't.

Sat on a chair beside the bed was Beth - staring down at the girl with the most troubled expression. Marmee had taken Meg along with her so the two could go down to the post office, hoping for some more information on an event that Annie no longer wanted to even think about.

Her eyes were swollen, the corners of them filled with un-fallen tears. Speaking was going to be a hassle, so she resorted to staying quiet. Her voice would deceive her, of that she was sure. And glancing to space beside her, she noticed an anxious Josephine - her face showing a similar expression as her younger sister.

None of them dared to speak first. They were afraid that they would accidentally say the wrong words, and then ultimately be the causes of another emotional breakdown by Annie. And after witnessing what they did just some mere hours earlier, that was the last thing they wanted to do.

Beth cleared her throat to hopefully catch the attention of the saddened woman on the bed but to no avail. "Are you feeling better now?" She almost cringed at how pathetic she might've sounded. Annie's father just passed away - her only family - and all she could do was ask if she was okay?

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