As August and Ambers career begins to grow so does problems in their marriage. How do high school lovers go from being so deep in love to feeling like each other's mistake. Read and see if their relationship survives.
Driving the kids to school felt so weird and awkward. Amber usually does this, not me. The kids were so quiet and didn't have much to say to me. I know they love they daddy, they always run to me when I get home off the road, but now just silent. I can't help but wonder what they are thinking, especially after their mom's comment. Even my baby girl isn't saying anything to me and I know she loves to talk. Maybe if I start the conversation perhaps they will say something back to me.
"hey y'all, why the long faces. Y'all are so quiet, you guys ok" La'mone looks up to look at me through the rear view mirror with sorrow in his eyes and says "Does mommy hate me?" "What no, man, she doesn't hate you she's just a little upset that's all. I promise you your mommy loves you and she just wants the best for you." La'mone smirks a little and looks out the window. That's when baby girl chimes into the conversation. "Yeah mommy doesn't hate you, she just wants you to stop doing dumb stuff" "I don't do dumb stuff. You do dumb stuff." "At least I didn't get caught bringing guns to school" "It was for show and tell!" "So mommy said not to and you still did it" As I listen to my babies fuss and fight, it is almost comical as they are trying to form these words and have this argument at their young ages, however, I have to stop this, but then I think, why did Mone pack the water guns? I mean I get it they were toys but they do look very real, but is it really that big of a deal to have a parent-teacher conference over? My cousin bought them for the twin's 6th birthday and I swear when Amber saw them she bout had a heart attack. I didn't think anything of it, I mean they are toys, they're not real. They just look real. Amber hates guns and I know why. Hell, I should hate guns too because guns ruined my life and took away some of the most influential people in my life. Thinking about all of this I still wonder why my son had those guns in his backpack. As I come out of my thoughts I notice we are almost at school. I mentally pat myself on the back for remembering how to get there, being I only was at the school once before and that was when Damar went there. I turn into the carpool lane and pull up right in front of the school. The twins immediately pop out of their seats and get their backpacks. I get out of the driver's side and go over to my daughter's door to open it for her. I believe that it's essential to treat your daughter the same way you would want another man to treat them. That means treating them with respect, opening doors for them, and making sure they're good at all times mentally, physically, and emotionally. All these things matter to me and I want to make sure when my baby girl starts dating she has high standards for that person because her daddy treated her like a queen. As I open the door my daughter kisses me and runs to the door. My son gets out and rushes to the door as well, but I catch up to him. "Hey man slow ya roll you can't just run in there without me. Then you got CPS calling my house. I think not!" I take his hand and his sister's hand and walk them in. We are running late so I had to take them into the office to sign them in. As we walk into the office, the front desk worker looks at me weird, but notices the twins. "You must be there father, sign in here!" Before I could answer she slams the Ipad sign in on the counter. and Side eyes me as I sign the kids in. Weirdo, I think and say thank you. With out another thought I exit the office with the twins in hand and walk them to their classes. The twins are in separate classes, due to the fact that Amb and I wanted them to develop their own identities at an early age. See I know a little something about my kids lives. Being twins they are always known as "oh there go the twins" but never really develop an identity outside of the other twin. We wanted to make sure they had that option so we put them in two separate classes. I walk baby girl to her class, I kiss her and tell her I love her and she runs into class. Such an independent little girl, she doesn't even seem scared she just rushed in and started doing the activity the rest of the kids were doing. I felt that was my queue to dip and check on little man. As I'm about to leave the teacher stops me. Ms. Sheard is baby girl's kindergarten teacher.
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