Chapter 4

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It was a strange entrance. Haruhi and Tamaki had come into the club room, the ends of their pants and shirt sleeves wet. Haruhi's bag, though, was soaking wet, making Kuroh question the situation. He wrote in his pad, showing Haruhi, 'What happened?' Only for her to shake her head and tell him not to worry.

On the topic of bags, he then noticed his was missing. Not wanting to bother the conversation going on between the hosts, he silently walked out to look around the school for his bag. Unbeknownst to him, he had a few followers-one with rather different intentions-as he wandered around the school.

Taking his search outside, he took a glance around, noting something brown floating in a decorative pond outside the school. He ran up and leaned over the edge of the pond and was able to identify his own bag in the water, books scattered across the water.

Was this what happened to Haruhi's bag?

He only got a thought in before he felt a slight push on his back and fell forwards into the pond. He quickly brought his head above the water, glasses falling off as he glanced around for the culprit, vision extremely blurry without his glasses. He was able to focus on a tall figure in a yellow dress before he heard what they muttered.

"Oh my. It's the mute boy. Thinks he's something special since he's getting attention in the host club, hm? I should keep my distance or else I'll get infected with whatever he has that makes him unable to speak. The Host Club should be weary. Hah."

It was a female voice that spoke before the figure walked away. Kuroh had been in too much surprise that he simply sat there for a moment, digesting what he had just heard, his left eye turning a dark blue. He felt a small pang in his chest. He should have been used to hearing these types of things after he became mute. He expected the higher class school not to have bullies, though he guessed he was wrong for assuming so.

He stayed on his knees, squinting his eyes as he moved his hands around the floor of the pond, frantically searching for his glasses until he heard a few pairs of feet enter the water. He glanced over to see three blurry figures: two looking nearly identical and one standing outside the pond with black hair and a black book in hand.

Suddenly, he felt something get pushed into his hand. Feeling his glasses, he put them on and looked up with now clear vision. Kaoru had handed him his glasses while Hikaru crouched down next to Kaoru. Kyoya simply stood right outside the pond, a small expression of concern before he pushed up his glasses, hiding his change of facial expression.

Kuroh scurried to pick up his notepad and pen, only for him to realize the paper was soaked with water. His looked up at the three hosts with somewhat of a sad face until the twins lifted their hands and started making signs at him.

'We understand sign language, so it's okay if you use it.'

'As do I,' Kyoya signed from further away.

Kuroh looked up at the three and smiled, his left eye fading into a lighter shade of blue as he lifted his arms to reply.

'Thank you.'

He then stood up, pulling his hair over to the left side of his neck, and began grabbing his items out of the water. The three observing hosts stood stunned for a moment, registering the image of Kuroh's smile and the alluring change of his eye color.

Is was a closed mouth smile, but it radiated a kindness that they couldn't explain. His eyes, his stare was softer than anyone could ever imagine. However, there was a twinge of hurt behind his smiles, his gazes. After what the three had heard the girl say to Kuroh, they were infuriated. Who had the heart to say such things? He couldn't fight back in that situation, but why did it feel like he was used to hearing it?

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