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rosalie was back in the ravenclaw common room by the afternoon, she put the presents she received in her trunk, owled her own presents out, writing an exceptionally long letter home.

"dumbledore wants us in formal robes later, says it was hogwarts tradition to have a formal christmas dinner" marlene had told them in the great hall earlier.

rosalie changed into a blush pink dress, she wasn't too sure about how she looked it in, checking herself in the mirror. she tied her hair back into a low ponytail, pulling out some bits at the front.

she sighed out, checking herself once more. she certainly looked ready, but something still seemed to be missing.

at the mirror's reflection, she saw mirabelle's present. rosalie went to it, taking it inher hands. "surely putting on a little won't hurt" she muttered.

after a few more minutes, she headed out of the ravenclaw common room and went to lily.

midway, however, she froze. "i've no idea what the password is! wow, rosalie, how thick are you?" she mumbled to herself, shaking her head in frustration. with a sigh, she contunues on, hoping that someone might be on the same way as she was.

"what's taking prongs so long? i'm dying of hunger here!" sirius black said, sprawled out on one of the couches. "we told you that you can head out before us, padfoot, besides, it's james, what did you expect?" remus said, busying himself with a crossword.

"i hear something" he suddenly said, slowly lowering the newspaper and quill he was holding. "there's someone outside, one of you go answer it" "there's a password for a reason, moony, if they're not a gryffindor it's not our problem" sirius said. "she does smell familiar, i think it's actually rosalie, peter, be a dear and open the door for her, please" remus said. before peter could stand, however, sirius was already up and halfway to the portrait hole.

the portrait swing open, remus was right, rosalie was standing outside, she did look rather fancy in her dress. "waiting for evans, are we?" he asked, leaning against the portrait frame. "if you're trying to make yourself look cool, it's not working, you haven't exactly reached the height requirement for it" rosalie said, walking past him and into the gryffindor common room. remus and peter heard this, which of course, made them laugh.

"hi rosalie" peter greeted, who was sat next to remus. "hello, peter, remus" she smiled. "is lily still up there?" rosalie asked. "most likely, we've been here nearly and hour and we haven't seen her" remus answered.

rosalie nodded in response before she went up to lily's room.

"lily evans, if you're not done yet, I swear-" rosalie cut herself off at the sight of lily. "don't you look ravishing, miss evans" she said, "oh stop, let's go" lily said.

they went down the stairs, chatting along the way. "how'd you get inside without the password?" lily asked. "black opened it for me, actually" rosalie said, earning a look from the redhead. "are you sure you and black aren't a thing? i've been noticing how awfully close you two've been" she commented. "no, lily, we're not, i swear, you know i'll tell you when things like that happen" rosalie said, trying to keep her voice low.

lily merely nodded in response. they walked pass the marauders. rosalie glancing at them, and catching sirius' eye, who smirked and gave her a wink. rosalie tried to hide the odd rapid thumping of her heart as she quickened her pace to catch up to lily.

i drew a little something hehe 👉👈

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