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"he's a prick" mirabelle said, glaring at the boy. "he had no reason to act so entitled, you two aren't even together!" she spoke, stabbing her steak quite angrily. "it's been two days, mira, might as well let it go like i did" rosalie said calmly, filling her plate with potatoes.

"well, you better let it go soon, we have astronomy with them later" astrid said to mirabelle. "speaking of gryffindor boys, i remember you owling a letter about wood?" rosalie said, looking at the blonde. a smile crept up her lips, her pale face turning slightly pink. "um, we may or may not saw each other during the holidays..." she said, playing with her hair, "and?" mirabelle pushed on for more. "okay, okay, he asked me out for a date and are kind of, sort of, together?" astrid said, her voice getting softer and higher as she reached the end.

rosalie and mirabelle let out excited squeals, "you've a boyfriend and you didn't even tell us sooner?!" mirabelle said, hitting her arm out of excitement. "it's because you two would act like this..." astrid said, hiding her face in embarrassment.

midnight soon arrived and they were off to the astronomy tower. rosalie walked slower than her friends who were once again bickering about... something, she wasn't listening to much to them. she was thinking about one too many things before she was snapped back to reality by her way being blocked.

rosalie looked at the person before her and sighed. "can i help you, cartwright?" she asked, 'cue villainous monologue' she thought. "not really, i actually want to thank you, you know, sirius is such a-" "oppugno!" before the poor girl could finish what she was saying, a flock of birds flew full speed at her, making her scream and run away.

rosalie, on the other hand, stood there, surprised and confused on what happened. she soon spotted mirabelle tuck her wand back into her robe, a satisfied smirk on her lips. the ginger sighed, a small smile forming on her lips as she made her way to the girl.

"she is such a bitch" mirabelle mumbled, "woah there, missy, that language, i'm in shock" a surprised yet sarcastic rosalie said, a hand on her chest. "don't tell astrid i jinxed that chick, she'll lecture me about how it's unacceptable behavior" mirabelle said. they finally went up the final staircase and reached the tower. they found astrid and sat down with her. "where've you been? one moment you two were with me and then i was all alone the next" astrid said, the two girls exchanged looks, trying to suppress giggles.

a few moments later, olivia cartwright walked in, "what happened to you?" sirius black asked as the girl sat beside him. 'bloody hell, those birds are a menace' rosalie thought. olivia's hair looked like a nest. mirabelle was trying her best not to die from suppressing her laugh as she watched the other girl try to tidy her hair up. rosie noticed the other marauders were as well, even sirius.

how do you even english? dkkfksks idk if yall understood whatever i meant in the last sentence lmao hopefully y'all have more braincells than I do and can decipher what that last sentence meant HAHDHHAHS ew this is so long, bye.

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