Chapter Four: Roommate

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After about an hour of walking around the student dorms with the group with Mr Rake and Mr BOB showing everyone where their rooms were, they finally handed me my key and showed me where to my room was.

''Here you are miss Layla.'' Mr Rake says handing me the key. I thanked him and went to my door and slot the key in, I slowly open the door and hesitantly walk inside, I guess I'm a little nervous, since I haven't shared anything with anyone since before I started killing and that was 2 years ago, plus I have no idea who my roommate is going to be or if I'll even like them.

'Suck it up Layla, if you don't like them then you can always try and move rooms later, don't screw this up on your first day.'

I continued to walked inside the room and noticed how dark it was, as a matter of fact it was almost pitch black, the only light was coming through was from the door from the corridor I just came from and I knew that if I were to close the door now I'll be in complete darkness, but it wouldn't really be that bad since I only go killing at night so I would most likely be able to see some of the things in the room.

I could see that it was quite a large room, only one window in the middle of the room with black curtains closed shut, two single beds on each side of the room, but it looks like you could put four in here and there would still be plenty of space, not much furniture around just a couple of chest of draws, tables and a wardrobe each, it's basically a mirror room, everything on one side is the same on the other.

My attention was suddenly caught when I hear someone moving in one of the beds, they must have either heard me come in or had been disturbed by the light entering the room from the corridor.

I walked behind the door and closed it slowly, trying not to disturb the unknown person again and as I expected the room instantly became pitch black as soon as the door shut.

Still being able to see some things in the room, mainly the outlay of each object I cautiously and tiredly walked over to the end of one of the beds which I presumed was mine since whoever else is in this room is currently sleeping in the other one.

I blankly looked down at the bed for a moment, took a deep breath and collapsed onto the soft bed closing my eyes and falling asleep instantly.

I overheard that lessons don't start until 6pm so I have plenty of time to rest up. I'm exhausted from trying to find this place so early in the morning, I barely got any sleep because I ended up running and trying to ditch the cops that for some reason just so happen to be patrolling the forest that night.


After many hours of well needed sleep I was awoken by an aggravated voice of annoyance. "God! You breath loud!"

I opened my eyes to see a dark figure of someone lying in the opposite bed staring at me through the darkness. "Uhh, sorry, I didn't realize." I said in a tired voice. I can't see any of the features on them but I can tell that it's a females voice, which would be kinda obvious cause I don't think that they would have both genders share the same room.

I sat up and stretched my arms which released a yawn that happened to provoke my aggravated roommate once again. "Ughh could you be an louder?!" She complained with a raised voice then rolled over to face anyway from me.

"Umm, sorry?" 'I think I can already tell that I'm gonna need a different room.' I laid back down into my bed and started to stare at the ceiling making sure that I don't make much noise.

After a few minutes of silence the unknown girl spoke up in a moody tone. "I'm guessing this is your first year?"

"Um yeah it is." I spoke quietly as I was still in the process of waking up.

"Well just FYI, this isn't like your ordinary kiddie school. People get hurt here and some die so be on your guard and be careful of who you trust. Also, even though it seems like you're meant to, don't trust the teachers. They are more dangerous than any human or student that you will face."

"Oh. Okay... Um, thanks for advice, I guess." I sat up on my bed, processing everything that had just been said. 'Does that mean we'll be going against the teachers in the exams?'

The unknown shadowy girl turned over on her bed to face me. "What's your name anyway?"

"My name's Layla... What's your name?"

"...Nyx." She said blankly.

'Man she's awkward.' I thought before getting up from my bed and walking to the window to look outside.

I open the one curtain to see fields of trees and what seems to be a lake in the far distance. I then hear a grown of annoyance from the girl now known as Nyx. "Do you have to open that?"

"Oh, sorry" 'Jeez does this girl not get annoyed with anything?'  I closed the curtain, walked back over to my bed and sat back down. I sat there and thought for a few minutes where I'm going to go for my lesson, unaware if they've already assigned to certain classes or not.

I turn and face Nyx, slightly cautious of her groaning and complaining at me, again, because I'm pretty sure that if I tried attacking her, she might, have more of an advantage of putting me six feet underground. "...Hey umm how will I know what my classes are?"

She glared over at me as if I was the worlds biggest idiot. "Did you not listen to anything they told you when you arrived??... Ugh... You go the second main hall and they will sort you into your classes. They should tell you everything that you need to know about each class so actually listen this time."

"Okay, thanks." I say blankly. 'I'm pretty sure I remember where the second hall is. Maybe it's best if I go there now just encase I get lost, it's not like I have long until 6 o'clock now anyway.'

Once I decided on what to do, I stood up from my bed and headed for the door, only to be stopped by Nyx's voice again. "Where are you off to?"

I turned my head slightly so I'm almost facing her. "To the second hall."

She sat up and looked at me. "Hmph. Knowing you, you'll probably get lost." She mumbled, but loud enough for me to hear her clearly.

I turned my head so that I'm properly facing her. "You don't know me." I say blankly as I open my rooms door and start to walk out, facing to brightness of the corridor.

She quickly lies back down comfortably. "Pffft. Fine. But if you get lost it'll be your own fault."

Stop in my tracks to turn to her again. "Are you offering to guide me there or something?"

She continues to be lead down and speaks in a bored tone. "Not really, but it's not like I have anything better to do around here. Besides, I have to go there to get sorted into my classes too." With that part she sat up and looked at me but with the bright light in my eyes coming from the corridor I can barely see her shadowy figure anymore.

'If she keeps giving me anymore of her annoying snarky attitude then I'm gonna lose it with this bitch.'
"Well if you're going to come then do so now cause I'm leaving." I say and walk out of the room and stand in the corridor waiting for her. As I leave the room I hear her sigh loudly and most likely in annoyance again.

"Ughh come on already moody gu-"

I stare wide eyed at the familiar figure as she walks out of our doom room.

"Wait. You're..."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2021 ⏰

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