When You Blush

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After reaching my 100th squat, I panted and ended up laying my self on the green patch of grass since I'm working out by doing my very own work-out routine for heroism outside in the local park area.

My childhood friends, Bakugou and Midoriya just graduated in Aldera Junior High like a week ago and surprisingly, the three of us are planning to go the same school for our high school life.

It is not a surprise for the blond boy since he is dedicated to become a powerful pro hero someday and I know for a fact that he's going to do well because of his skills.

Anyways, I'm been working my butt off by keeping my body fit for the entrance exam and it's already next week.

I feel nervous but I should be positive that I can do it so I can become a pro hero that I always wanted to be.

I sighed with a smile and grabbed my water bottle under the big shady fruit tree so I can have myself some fresh cool water.

'Nothing beats but a great work-out-'


I spat the water I was trying to drink when somebody scared me from behind and when I turned to see who it is - 

"K-Katsuki!", I said with astonishment and sighed, "Geez, don't scare me like that!!".

The blond boy laughed and ended up smacking my back.

"O-Oww!", I commented and pouted before sighing, "You really have to do that?

"Well, you're a dummy for not noticing", Bakugou commented and crossed his arms, "This is what you get for trying to scare me a bunch of times and I had a damn hard time trying to catch you but I must admit your reaction really gets me every time, haha!".

I pouted once more and then I noticed something after he tried to scare me.

Our bodies are almost close and he looked like he came from a jog since he's sweating from head to toe.

But what's worse is that the sweat made the tone of his body, like his biceps, more definite and clear and his face, now that I think about he actually looks...really handsome.

Just seeing him like that up close made my heart beating so fast that it's ready get out of my chest.

'So hot-WAIT, why am I having these thoughts? And w-why do I feel my cheeks getting warm?! Oh no, so it is true-'

"Oi, why is your face red?"

I gasped and turned around so I can face the other way to hide my blushing red cheeks.

'C-Crud!! This is so intense!!'


I gasped when he faced my direction and was wearing an expression mixed with his grumpiness and curiosity.

"D-Don't look at me-I mean, what is it-"

"Huh?! What do you mean? I'm not allowed to look at your face, is that it?!", Bakugou replied and placed one hand on his hip.

"N-No, it's not like that!", I said and bit my lip before grabbing something from my bag so I can have the excuse to hide my face, "Maybe it's a bit hot right now, that's all. Hahaha...".

I hope he's buying this. I HOPE he's buying this!!

"Hmm, not that you mention it, it really is damn hot", Bakugou said and huffed annoyingly, "Dammit, I think I should take off my shirt. I'm sweaty as heck-"

"O-Oh gosh, look at the time!!", I interrupted and laughed nervously before I grabbed my gym bag and started to run towards a different direction, "See you whenever, Katsuki!!".

"EH?! Hey, where are you going?!", Bakugou called out to me and decided to follow me, "AGH, come back here, you dummy!! I hope I'll catch you this time!".

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