When He's Accidentally Drunk (22K Followers Special)

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(A/N: We just reached the 22K Followers milestone so we did it, guys! Give yourselves a pat on the shoulder and I'll give you all virtual hugs, hehe *virtual hugs*.

Thank you all so much once again for following me and enjoying my written works and also for being patient with me since my update speed is not as the same as before due to my busy schedule so I'm glad to hear that you guys understand what I'm going through.

So that being said, here's a special scenario for ya'll and I hope you all enjoy this latest scenario of everyone's favorite explosion boi. Happy reading!)

PHOTO by @cmshoto


*knock knock*


I paused the Netflix movie that I was watching in our flat screen TV when I heard the door being knocked coming from our front door.

I stood up from the couch and quickly ran towards the door so I can check the peephole to see who it is.

I tiptoed and after looking through the peephole of our entrance door, I saw Bakugou and he's - wait, he's holding a can of candies?

That's odd.

I thought he was never a fan of sweets.

Maybe he came here to give it to me as a gift or something?

Whatever the reason may I be, I wanted to hear it from him so I automatically opened the door and greeted my blond pom-I mean, explosion boy.

"Hey, Katsuki! What's up?", I said and looked at our clock, "I remembered that you have errands to run after I asked you if we could jog together. What changed your mind?".

He didn't answer immediately after hearing my response and for some reason, he looked sluggish like he's gone from a fight or something.

Uh oh.

"W-Wait, why did you-"

"I-I c-came here to...t-to see you, y-you precious...dummy"

Precious dummy?

He never called me precious before except for dummy, of course.

I raised a brow and he entered my house and started...wait, waddling? 

The way he is walking seems off and not to mention he looks like he's ready to fall any second.

'Why do I get the feeling he really fought someone before getting here? Although...', I thought to myself as I watched him as he aimlessly waddled around the living room, 'He never walks like that after fights...'.

Suddenly, he approached me and decided to wrap his arms around my waist tightly and snuggled against my body rigorously.

"I miss you...I miss you...you're m-my world, you know?", Bakugou said surly and his tone was quite shaky, "I-If...s-some extra w-will g-get in our relationship...I'll give them a...a good explosion t-they'll never forget...h-ha...haha".

My world?

I feel happy just hearing him say that but I'm surprised that he actually called me "my world" instead of babe or my dumb dumb.

"That's sweet coming from you, Katsuki. But uh...are you okay?", I said and questioned before laughing and closing the front door, "This isn't like you to call me "my world" and...your hugs are quite affectionate than before too. Did you study more about relationships with your shojo manga or something? Haha".

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