When You Kiss His Cheek

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PHOTO : Edited by @renntbk from Instagram


"Agh, come on..."

Looks like it's one of those days where I end up waking up late first thing in the morning and yes, getting ready in rushing pace was making me a bit tired.

But at least I learned some endurance and speed out of this experience so that's a win-win, right?

Although, the bad side was that it was raining and I completely forgot my umbrella while I was on the way, so turning back to my house will only make me late more.

In the end, I decided to run under the dark sky filled with fluffy wet clouds while heading towards the station.

If you are wondering if Bakugou is with me right now, well, "fortunately" no since I heard he'll be submitting something early at the school faculty so I am sure he went ahead.

When I say "fortunately", I mean he'll probably blame me for waiting for me for too long and also if both of us will be late for homeroom.

Anyways, I managed to make it to the station on time and after a good 15-30 minutes of my journey, I exited the train that I rode and now I am on my way to U.A.


I received a message from my phone so while running, I took out my phone and as expected, the text message was from none other than my blond boyfriend.

I sighed thinking that he's going to be mad at me or something but I still opened the message and read it.

« Kaachan💥💕»

"Oi, where are you?"

I sighed in relief since his message doesn't seem like he's mad or what so I did the best that I can to reply to his message while on foot.

« Me »

"I'm on my way already. Sorry, I woke a bit late again, Katsuki"

After I pressed the send button, I continued to run and check my watch.

I can still make it on time.

I just need to keep this pace continuously and everything will be fine.

TIME SKIP (Brought you by Bakugou flexing his muscles during his work out routine - Bakugou : "Are you just going to stare and watch me, huh?! Come here already so we can exercise together, you nerd")

"Hah...hah...made it"

I managed to make it but I am still drenched from the journey even though I kept covering my head with my bag. 

Once I stepped inside the school, I wiped my shoes against the rug before I wiped my face and my uniform.

'I should really bring an extra umbrella next time so I wouldn't have to go through this', I thought and sighed before I sat down at the student's lounge, 'I really shouldn't stay up late last night watching stuff'.

The moment I removed my coat so I can let it dry for a bit, I can feel another coat draped around my shoulders.

My heart skipped a beat and when I turned to look who gave this to me, it was Bakugou and he was wearing his usual grumpy expression again.

"K-Katsuki! Good morning!", I said and laughed nervously.

"Hey...", Bakugou replied and crossed his arms, "You don't have an umbrella again?".

I nodded slightly and brushed my hair that is already wet.

"Geez, don't forget next time, you idiot", Bakugou said and sighed, "Anyways, wear my coat for now. I don't want you to catch a damn cold and I don't want those other idiots to see your drenched blouse either! So..."

I smiled and blushed at the same time that I ended up kissing his cheek. (A/N: Don't worry, no one is around)

"Thank you, Katsuki~!", I replied and giggled before kissing his cheek again.

"Y-Yeah and save those k-kisses for later. Geez", Bakugou said and I can see his cheeks glowing as well after I kissed his cheek a few times, "C-Come on. Let's go to the classroom already, babe".

Bakugou Katsuki Boyfriend Scenarios (Bakugou X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now