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"Small butterflies flew from the dark tree branch. They flapped their wings in praise of the wind, creating the smallest of sounds that can only be heard by those listening remarkably close. The wind god, Shu, brought them to the north. The true north, where they could come together, and make a man—No, a God. A God who has come to wreak havoc in this world; To destroy everything in his path. To vanish all rules that keep this world in harmony and order, But unbeknownst to him, far away, born the star cruelly fated by those in the heavens, to cease him. A fate that may cause her, her life. A life sacrificed for a pitiful purpose. Truly, a very cruel fate—"

The little boy curiously looked at his grandma, "Cruel? That's mean, Granny. Why must they suffer like that? Who even does that?"

Grandma's eyes sparkled in humor while looking at her grandson. She placed the storybook on the side table on her left and focused on him. She ruffled his golden hair, while she laughed, "My dear, that's just how the world regains its balance. While there is heat, there is cold. There is light and dark. Besides, in the absence of good things, we can appreciate what we once had. Perhaps, this lady will be the grand revelation of things. Those, Christians believed that their "God" created the woman first for the man was lonely. Darling, let me tell you the truth; it's not true."

Young Andrew tilted his head in question, barely astonished but still so, "Really? Then why?"

Grandma's eyes twinkled in mischief and wonder, "Well, I don't know." She playful rolled her eyes to the left, coyly acting as if she was not aware of it, but Andrew did not notice. His head was wrapped around it all too much. Indeed, he was curious. He was too preoccupied to notice the little lie his Grandma had made, but maybe it was a mystery?

"Don't get too into this, dear. It's an old legend anyways, I simply find it...interesting," Grandma nonchalantly mentioned, but of course, it was one of her lies. She simply did not need her only Grandson getting too invested in these things. However, she cannot blame the young boy.

Andrew was exactly like her Everything, but his appearance. He was blessed with even blonde hair and dark-green eyes that almost looked black sometimes. She had brown hair and hazel eyes when she was young. He looked nothing like her, but he had her mind and thinking. They were both undeniably curious to the point of annoyance. Their itch for the truth and answer often led them to bad places. As much as she wanted to keep things from him, she could not. She knew all too well that he would just become more inquisitive, as she would. Their likeness was no wonder to her since Andrew had grown up with her protection and guidance. Learning all the things she and the world had to offer.

He was once a young infant with nothing to give but an innocent smile. She was lucky enough to save this young boy from being abandoned in the trash along the dark streets of Lyre.

"But Grandma, if it's a legend it must've been true. So has it happened?" His eyes begged for answers and she could just not resist.

"Well, it has happened too many times," She vaguely replied.

"Huh?" Andrew uttered trying to understand what his Grandmother said. His eyebrows furrowing as he thinks.

Grandma sighed and further explained, "I've explained reincarnation to you, right?" Andrew nods, "From what I have read, they are born once every thousand years to set the order within the universe. The god is born first, then when the heavens see it fit, they let the star's soul blossom in the womb blessed by gods."

The young brunet looks at his grandmother expectantly to which she further explained. She didn't want to share so much, but what was the harm? This was her grandson anyway. It was not a secret as far as she knew. She decided to tell more.

"They're born with the same appearance; down to every mole on their body, but they are not always born with the same birthdays. The god is born first as I said, so you can definitely assume she is coming. However, she comes months to years after."

"But wasn't he created to wreak havoc? What if he's started to destroy and she isn't born yet," He questioned with eyes twinkling in concern.

Grandma stifled a laugh at her pure, young boy, "It is unclear. I was not able to read about it because the page was ripped, but he does not really do anything until years later. It is usually once the star is of age."

His eyes widen in understanding, with his mouth ready to open for another question, but Grandma speaks, "I know you have more questions, dear but I'm too tired now. Perhaps I'll answer them tomorrow?"

Andrew's face displayed sadness but firmly replied with "ok." He had more questions: how will we know if they are born? How will we know when they meet? Will we all die? How did grandma know all this?

He decided to put an end to it with all his strength and wandered off as his frail Grandma took a nap to replenish her energy. She was getting too old. It worried him to think that she may not be here one day. He dreaded that day.

He shook his head in an attempt to remove those thoughts and continue to do his assignments.

Grandma is now left with nothing but silence. She could finally rest herself from talking and explaining too much. Who knows how many more questions Andrew had in his little head. The young kid was only 8, but he thought too mature sometimes. She recalls that one time when he consoled the helper who had broken up with his lover. Andrew comforted him with words that should've been beyond his grasps and knowledge, but he knew of it. It amazed her; the way her grandson had grown to be a wise child.

She knew that Andrew was not ordinary and that someday, he'll get involved in these stories she tells him. It worries her but she knows it is fate. Going against destiny was impossible.

That day she found this little boy was not a coincidence. She was looking, that's why she found him. She hoped that Andrew would one day understand the choices she made. While these thoughts plagued her mind, her eyes couldn't help but close from exhaustion.

And while she rested and drifted off, the sun high up in the sky shined brighter than the day before. The skies cleared like the freshwaters of a lake. The wind god, Azmet commanded the butterflies to head to true North, and the star waited to shine in the night sky behind the bright gleam of day.

It was only a matter of time before a legend began to unfold.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2022 ⏰

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