1: A normal day at the BAU

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It was a normal day at the BAU, lots of paperwork for everyone to finish. They had solved a case the day before. It was just before closing hours, the team were planning their Friday night activities. Aaron was sitting in his office almost done with paperwork, He heard a knock on his door.


Hotch said. In walked JJ.

"Everyone is going to a bar after work, you coming?"

"No thank you, i think i'm gonna go home and get some sleep."

JJ nodded and walked out of the office.

He wanted to join, and get a closer relationship with his subordinates, but his boyfriend was more important to him. Since his work took up most of his time, he needed to spend as much of his after work hours with his boyfriend as possible.

Since his relationship with his boyfriend was a secret, he couldn't give that as an explanation, when someone would ask him, why he wasn't joining them.

JJ walked over to her team-members, who were gathered around Reid's desk. Morgan, Prentiss, Garcia and Reid were talking, JJ joined the pointless small-talk .

"I'm assuming he is not coming"

Morgan concluded.

"That assumption would be correct"

"We need him to go out to the bar with us"

Garcia stated.

"And how are we going to do that"

JJ asked.

They all looked to Garcia for an answer.

"I don't know... I... I just think he really needs to get drunk, he is way too uptight."

Garcia explained. JJ and Reid chuckled at the statement. Morgan quickly replied

"He doesn't need to get drunk, all he need is to get laid."

They all erupted in laughter.

"What is so funny?"

Rossi had emerged from his office, from hearing all the laughter, feeling slightly left out. Reid told the Italian what caused them to laugh. Rossi chuckled at Morgan's statement, but he knew the truth. Rossi walked down the small set of stairs, while commenting.

"Yeah, i don't think you you should worry about that."

"Worry about what?"

Morgan asked.

"Getting him laid."

Everyone gasped

"Does he have a girlfriend? Do you know something? In all the years i have known him, he has never had a girlfriend. OMG"

"Penelope Garcia calm down, i did not say that he had a girlfriend, now let's go get a drink shall we?"

Everyone agreed.

They all drove off to the usual bar, Morgan, Garcia and Prentiss got drunk. JJ and Reid left early to "cuddle". Rossi just watched it all happen, thinking
'it would be so much more fun with Aaron here'.

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