4: Planning and Investigation

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The team had boarded their private-plane, it was 22:30. They had just finished a case in Idaho. Everyone was exhausted, they had hardly gotten any sleep. Hotch was sitting alone across from Reid and JJ. In the seat on the other side of the plane next to Hotch was Rossi, across from him were Morgan and Prentiss.

JJ and Reid were giggling and whispering, like teenagers. Morgan was on the verge of falling asleep listening to music. Prentiss was enjoying a good book. Hotch was deeply focused on his paperwork. Rossi was observing the scene.

Rossi broke the silence on the plane, catching the attention from his teammates.

"We should do some team bonding sometime, like a dinner at my house, how about this Saturday?"

JJ, Reid and Prentiss expressed their agreement, Morgan was too caught up on his music, he didn't hear a thing.

"Not so sure Saturday is gonna work for me."

Hotch explained, eyes still focused on his paperwork.

"Oh, Hotch you are going, dinner at my house at 19:00. DEREK!!"


Derek screamed, shocked by the sudden shouting.

"Dinner at my house this Saturday, the whole team is going, 19:00."

Derek assured the Italian that he would be going. Rossi then proceeded to call Garcia, inviting her as well, she quickly picked up the phone. Before she could say anything she heard Hotch protesting.

"Rossi what is you don't understand, Saturday won't work for me."

"Why not?"

Rossi searched for an viable excuse.

"It just doesn't"

JJ chimed in.

"That's awfully vague."

"I don't have to explain myself, Saturday doesn't work. What about Sunday?"

"That could work. Does that work for everybody?"

JJ, Reid, Prentiss and Morgan all expressed their excitement, this was the first team dinner in a long time, where it wouldn't be forced because of a case.

"uuuh, what exactly is happening Sunday?"

"Sunday, Baby Girl we are all going to Rossi's house for dinner."

There was loud cheering coming from Garcia's end of the phone call.

"I am assuming you are going."

"Yes! My chocolate thunder i am going, what time?"


They talked for a little while longer with Garcia eventually she hung up. They split into groups Prentiss and Rossi were talking about nothing too specific. Hotch was working intently like he was prior to the dinner planning. Morgan, JJ and Reid had scooted off to the other side of the plane, it was obvious they didn't want anyone to listen in on their conversation. Morgan started texting in the secret group chat.

Group Chat: Hotch's Boyfriend

23:28 Morgan: He for sure has something planned with his boyfriend for Saturday.🙄

23:29 Garcia: I am so gonna figure out what.😏

23:30 Reid: What if he finds out that we know? Do you think he will be mad?😞

23:30 Reid: He won't fire us, will he?😨😞

23:31 Garcia: If he finds out I will take the blame for it.👍😊

23:31 Morgan: Good idea, no one can be mad at Baby Girl. 🙄😉

23:32 Garcia: Really?🤔❤️

23:32 JJ: Yes seriously, no one can be mad at you for long, so if he finds out, it's probably you who have the biggest shot at not getting fired.🤗🙃😏

23:33 Morgan: If he fires Baby Girl he will have to go through me first.😝😒

23:34 Garcia: I love you all, but i am so tired so i am gonna go to bed, i am gonna figure out what he has planned tomorrow. ❤️😍😘

23:34 Morgan: I love you too, Goodnight, Baby Girl ❤️

23:34 Reid: Sweet Dreams❤️

23:34 JJ: Love you, Goodnight❤️

End of Conversation-

Morgan, JJ and Reid walked back to their previous seats. Everyone slowly started to drift off to sleep.


They landed in Quantico Virginia at 2:30 in the morning. The whole team hurried home to get some sleep. Everyone was back at work again at 08:30 to finish the paperwork. Garcia texted the "Hotch's Boyfriend" chat for them to come to her office.

Morgan, Reid and JJ, arrived at her office at different times, for it not to be suspicious.

"What do you got for us Baby Girl"

"Quite a lot my Chocolate Thunder. Ok so i checked Hotch's records, and he has a reservation for a restaurant tomorrow at 7."

"Guys what are we gonna do with this information?"

JJ questioned, she looked around the room. Reid finally answered.

"We could get a reservation there too."

"Wonder boy, that is a good idea we can get a reservation there for 7:30"

Everyone agreed, they walked back out of the office and went right back to work. No one seemed to have noticed the short trip to Garcia's office. The rest of the day was somewhat normal.

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