8: Confession of Love

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"Prentiss" Hotch almost yelled through I the bullpen, he clearly wasn't happy. Prentiss got up from her desk, and walked to his office, the eyes of her team mates following her every step. Hotch was standing in the doorway, gesturing for her to go inside. The blinds were closed. Prentiss sat down in the chair in front of Hotch's desk.

"So, we are gonna talk about this issue you have with me, and we are gonna do it right now." Hotch said sitting down in his office chair.

"I don't have an issue with you." Prentiss said looking away.

"Why won't you look at me then." He said trying to catch her eye contact.

"Look, I am not homophobic, ok. I know that's what everyone thinks, but I truly am not. I just..." She trailed off. Couldn't find the words she was looking for.

"Well i'll believe you if you tell me why you seem to have a problem with me."

"I don't have a problem with you." Prentiss still wasn't looking him in the eyes.

"There's obviously a reason for why you been acting so strange around me. I want to hear it, cause we used to be so close, I considered you my friend."

Prentiss finally managed to look her boss in the eyes. Hotch could tell she was on the verge of crying, her eyes were watery.

"I, I love you... I've been in love with you for months" Prentiss let a single tear fall from her eyes.

"I know you're gay, and have a boyfriend, but I have been in love with you ever since I started working here. I guess you coming out as gay just lead me to realise nothing could ever happen between us. Knowing that has been... Painfull." She had multiple tears falling from her eyes.

Hotch was stunned, he was not expecting those words to come out of her mouth. They sat in silence as Prentiss tried to go back to her normal self.

"Well, I don't know what to say. I'll give you some space if that's what you need. I am happy you're not homophobic." Hotch said in a chuckle.

"Well between you and me, I am bi so I am far from homophobic."

"Are you gonna be ok?" Hotch asked in a sincere tone. Maintaining the eye contact.

"I just need some time to get over it." Prentiss said in almost a whisper.

"Ok, you're free to leave now if you want." With that said Prentiss got up and walked towards the door.

"If you could tell everyone I am not homophobic that would be great." Prentiss said in a chuckle.

"Sure" Hotch said, giving her a small smile.

A/N: Sorry I have been gone I have been going through a hard time, with Corona and everything. I am a lot better now.

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