04. Perfect Partnership

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28We are assured and know that [God being a partner in their labor] all things work together and are [fitting into a plan] for good to and for those who love God and are called according to [His] design and purpose." Romans 8:28, AMP


You are not just a part of God's creation. You are a partner in purpose with Him in His administration. You are a partaker in His business. Your walk with God is not merely a matter of fellowship and relationship. It's build on the principle of partnership:
9"For we are fellow workmen (joint promoters, labourers together) with and for God."-1Corinthians 3:9, AMP

The same way your life is not your own but God's, your purpose in life is, ultimately, not your own but God's. God's purpose for your life is for you to partner with Him in fulfilling His purpose for humanity and the rest of His creation. By walking in the light of God's purposes for your life, you are not only fulfilling His call and purpose for your life but you are partnering with Him in the glorious work of His Kingdom.


Leadership and purpose are inseparable because leadership is an integral part of your purpose for existence. Yes, you are a leader in God's personal ministry for your life. You fulfil God's purpose for your life through His ministry for you as an individual by making use of the gifts and talents that He has given you.

Right from the beginning, God intended for humanity to remain a central part of His administration, especially here on earth; Genesis 1:26, 28, Genesis 2:15, 19, 20, Psalm 8:6. That's why when Adam messed up in Genesis 3, God had to come down in the Person of Jesus Christ to die on our behalf so that upon His resurrection from the dead He would reconcile humanity to Himself by restoring the relationship and fellowship that He sought to have with humanity right from the beginning.

God created you with potential to become, achieve, pursue and live for something bigger than yourself. This potential produces in you passion that would help lead you to the path of God's purpose for your life.
Sometime in the past, before receiving revelations on God's purposes for my life, in pursuit of satisfying the passion within me, I have often been tempted to go out after anything that would make me tick and feel significant. However, since the passion in me was designed to help me pursue God's purposes for my life, it could only be satisfied if I am to pursue God's purpose for my life.

Failure to use our passion for the pursuit of God's purposes for our lives has led to so many people living dry lives. For a number of people, despite all that they have poured themselves into and invested their passion in, still live dry, unfulfilled lives. Many have tried so many things but nothing worked on feeding the passion within them.

The unsatisfied passion continues to cry out for something better, that something is the pursuit of God's purposes for our lives and until we have a relationship with Him through Jesus Christ, we will not have the inspiration we need and the empowerment necessary for our journey to our divine destiny.
My perfect purpose requires for me to have a personal relationship with God because it is through that relationship that God works to accomplish and fulfil His purposes in me. When I study the Bible and consider anyone that God has ever used to accomplish something, they all had a relationship with Him.

In other words, they were working in partnership with God; in agreement with His plan and purpose for their lives.

Paul and the other apostles had a relationship with God. Even Jesus Christ my Lord had a relationship with God the Father, and you know what, God had approved of His relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and His union with the Holy Spirit before He ventured into ministry:

"After Jesus was baptized, He came up immediately out of the water; and behold, the heavens were opened, and he (John) saw the Spirit of God descending as a dove and lighting on Him (Jesus),-and behold, a voice from heaven said, "This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well-pleased and delighted!"-Mathew 3:16-17, AMP

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